Thursday, December 26, 2019

Neighbourhood Study Essay - 1203 Words

This Neighbourhood Study aims to examine the demographics of Hillingdon Primary Care Trust (HPCT) such as age, gender, ethnicity, social groups in relation to the prevention of obesity. An insight into the prevalence of obesity as well as the causes and its effects shall be evaluated. Public health strategies regarding the prevention of obesity and its effects in comparison to Government strategies shall be addressed. The nurse’s role as an educator in relation to this public health issue, strategies formulated by HPCT to prevent obesity and how it focuses on other diseases associated with obesity shall be discussed. The following section gives a definition of obesity, health education and health prevention. The World Health†¦show more content†¦According to the National Audit Office (2007) the National Health Service (NHS) spends around  £4.2 billion a year in curing obesity and its associated illnesses. The Hillingdon Profile (2008) put forward that out of 149 local authorities in England, Hillingdon is classified as the 58th most deprived in terms of income deprivation affecting children. Hillingdon is also one of the least diverse in terms of ethnicity (appendices 1-3). In 2008 the number of obese cases recorded by HPCT amongst adolescents was 6.9%. In comparison with England it was estimated that 14% of boys and 17% of girls aged between 2 and 15 were obese. The National Institute of Clinical Health and Excellence (2006) propound that Asian children are four times more likely to be obese than children of other ethnic groups. In Central Hillingdon Asians and Afro Caribbeans make up most of the population and have a higher percentage of obesity. Causes of obesity include lifestyle choices such as diets, lack of physical activity, psychological, environmental, genetics, medical conditions, effects of medication, lack of awareness and its implications as well as lack of education in the community. According to Sethi Vidal-Puig (2007) there is a high risk of developing a wide range of health problems including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, infertility and osteoarthritis when obese and putsShow MoreRelatedExamine the Argument That â€Å"Good Fences Make Good Neighbours†.1024 Words   |  5 PagesExamine the argument that â€Å"good fences make good neighbours†. When using the term â€Å"Street†, or â€Å"Neighbourhood† in context of where we live, it is usually referencing more than just a geographical location, but rather a collective of all the elements that go into making it what it is, especially the people. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Waiting A Minute Trs, By Christopher Columbus - 1640 Words

Wait a minute TRS, are you trying to trick me again? Columbus Day is in October! Vandals defaced an iconic statue of Christopher Columbus in Boston’s North End by covering it in red paint and tagging it with the phrase â€Å"Black Lives Matter.† - via WCVB Channel 5 Boston I know, I know; we re only supposed to have to deal with this orgy of self-hating SWPL signaling once a year, but we appear to have had a little misfire in the afterglow of #TakeDownTheFlag and the cavalcade of conservatives willfully denouncing Confederate heritage. Really, it should come as no surprise then that in the wake of recent vandalism of white statuary, whether in the South or South Africa, that Christopher Columbus was going to be next. There are a lot of Columbus monuments in this country and he is not well-liked by the rising generation of iconoclasts, as we are reminded annually. A lot of mythology also exists around Columbus—both on the left and right—but in my opinion he is a symbol worth defending. With the loss of the Confederacy as an acceptable form of unique Anglo-American heritage on the grounds of muh racism, is it really any wonder that our opponents are emboldened enough to go after Columbus? But before we jump into that, let s go through the aesthetic of this act of vandalism and move on to my favorite thing, ovenworthy Facebook comment threads. Okay, first of all, ... huh? Black Lives Matter being graffiti d on a Columbus statue? I guess something something white supremacyShow MoreRelated_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words   |  1422 Pagesthe material. After completing the study plan, they can take a post-test to measure their progress and understanding. ExamView  ® Computerized Testing (0-495-11886-9) Create, deliver, and customize tests and study guides (both print and online) in minutes with this easy-to-use assessment and tutorial system, which contains all questions from the Test Bank in electronic format. JoinInâ„ ¢ on TurningPoint  ® (0-495-11881-8) The easiest student classroom response system to use, JoinIn features instant classroomRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pages Organizational Behavior This page intentionally left blank Organizational Behavior EDITION 15 Stephen P. Robbins —San Diego State University Timothy A. Judge —University of Notre Dame i3iEi35Bj! Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Editorial Director: Sally Yagan Director of Editorial Services:Read MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 PagesGuarneri 213 7 The Technopolitics of Cold War: Toward a Transregional Perspective †¢ Gabrielle Hecht and Paul N. Edwards 271 8 A Century of Environmental Transitions †¢ Richard P. Tucker 315 About the Contributors †¢ 343 _ IN TR OD UC TIO N Michael Adas B y any of the customary measures we deploy to demarcate historical epochs, the twentieth century does not appear to be a very coherent unit. The beginnings and ends of what we choose to call centuries are almostRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words   |  820 Pages†¢ Develop the goals and objectives. Strategic Planning—Thinking and Doing    105 Figure 5.5—Political, Economic, Social, and Technological (PEST) Factors Impact Planning SO OR E AT LU A EV STRUCTU RE GA NI ZE CI AL CA L TR OL POL ITI FINANCE CO N TRUST COMMITMENT F AF ST N RE CR E AT IO SERVICES INFORMATION CULTURE MISSION VALUES VISION ION AT UC ED S TRA TE GI E TEC HN O LO GI C ES S †¢ Develop strategies and action plans

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Essay Comparing Renaissance And Modern Art Example For Students

Essay Comparing Renaissance And Modern Art I am Marco Petrucci, artisan in the bottega of Paolo Uccello, in the city of Firenze in the year 1442. I have been apprenticed in this workshop since I was 10 years old. My family chose this profession for me because it provides steady work in our city that is becoming known as a place of beauty and learning because of the support and commissions of the wealthy families such as the Medici. My family, in the cloth trade, paid dearly for my apprenticeship almost 14 years ago. I am now a paid assistant in the bottega, having mastered all the skills that the master has taught me, including the perspective of which Master Paolo is so obsessed. Unfortunately, this obsession with perspective occupies much of his time and our large commissions are few. I am pleased to say that we recently completed a much needed commission, of which Master Paolo has put me in charge as I was recently admitted to the Guild of Arte dei Medici e Speziali. A wealthy wool merchant by the name of Astole Capitelli has arranged a splendid marriage of his daughter, Isabella, to a member of the Strozzi banking family. While the groom, Massimo, is a member of a minor branch of the family, his father is a cousin to the illustrious Filippo, this marriage will greatly enhance the prestige of the brides family and will enrich the coffers of the grooms family as her dowry is reported to be 500 gold florins in coin. In addition, she will bring jewelry and household goods worth another 500 florins. Among these possessions will be two cassoni that her father ordered and I painted with the help of the apprentices and, on occasion, Master Paolo himself. Our bottega is well known for the quality of our cassone painting. The two cassoni were built by the foremost joinery shop in Florence. They were constructed of the finest walnut with fluted pilasters at the four corners and carved friezes of vegetal motifs in the classical manner around the front of the panels, which I painted. They are 1. 5 meters across, . 5 meters tall and . 5 meters deep. The center panel containing the painting is 440 cm by 480 cm. The end panels were carved with the crests of both families and they sit upon simple bracket feet. The wood was gilded here in the bottega by the apprentices to further enhance the painted panels. The gilding of the wood greatly increased the cost, but the cassoni should make an impressive display when they are paraded through the streets of Firenze as the bride makes her way to her new home with the grooms family. The ironsmith forged the hardware, which was added when the paintings were completed. The contract for the painting between Signor Capitelli and Master Paolo was explicit as to the subject, composition and materials to be used: That this day 13 March 1442 Signor Astole Capitelli commits and entrusts to Paolo Uccello the painting of two panels on cassoni to be provided by the said Signor Capitelli; the panels which the said Paolo is to color and paint in the manner shown in drawings on paper with those figures and in that manner shown in it, in every particular to what I, Astole Capitelli, think best, not departing from the manner and composition of the said drawings; and he must color the panel at his own expense with good colors and with powdered gold on such ornaments as demand it and all carved wood surfaces, with any other expense incurred on the same panels, and the blue must be ultramarine of the value about four florins the ounce; and he must have delivered complete the said cassoni within six months from today, and he must receive as the price of the cassoni as here described 115 florins if it seems to me, the abovesaid Astole Capitelli that they are worth it. .u54152798768534e8767ee6dd3edebc51 , .u54152798768534e8767ee6dd3edebc51 .postImageUrl , .u54152798768534e8767ee6dd3edebc51 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u54152798768534e8767ee6dd3edebc51 , .u54152798768534e8767ee6dd3edebc51:hover , .u54152798768534e8767ee6dd3edebc51:visited , .u54152798768534e8767ee6dd3edebc51:active { border:0!important; } .u54152798768534e8767ee6dd3edebc51 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u54152798768534e8767ee6dd3edebc51 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u54152798768534e8767ee6dd3edebc51:active , .u54152798768534e8767ee6dd3edebc51:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u54152798768534e8767ee6dd3edebc51 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u54152798768534e8767ee6dd3edebc51 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u54152798768534e8767ee6dd3edebc51 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u54152798768534e8767ee6dd3edebc51 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u54152798768534e8767ee6dd3edebc51:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u54152798768534e8767ee6dd3edebc51 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u54152798768534e8767ee6dd3edebc51 .u54152798768534e8767ee6dd3edebc51-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u54152798768534e8767ee6dd3edebc51:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A Lesson Before Dying Essay PromptsThe initial proposal that Master Paolo made to Signor Capitelli for the cassoni were scenes from the battle of Heraclius and Chosroes as Heraclius retrieved the true cross which Chosroes had stolen in Jerusalem. The initial drawings were replete with horses, flags, scenes of battle and the warriors wearing the mazzocchi so characteristic of Master Paolo. They were to have showcased Master Paolos talents for scenes of action and his mastery of perspective. One panel would show Heraclius storming the astrological tower of Chosroes and the other should show Heraclius as he decapitates Chosroes on his throne. Signor Capitelli rejected these d esigns as inappropriate scenes for a young bride. He desired images that would instruct his daughter in her proper role as a wife and mother, primarily maternal piety and fertility. Signor Capitelli also specified that no images be painted on the underside of the lid, as has become common. He specifically requested an annunciation and requested new drawings before the contract could be presented to the notary. The second set of drawings presented to Signor Capitelli, shown below, depicted an annunciation with all traditional elements he requested, the angel Gabriel holding a lily, the Virgin wearing a blue cloak and the dove. Master Paolo proposed a background of city buildings and the patron agreed. The second panel depicted the visitation of the Virgin to St. Elizabeth to be blessed when she finds out she is to bear a child. The patron seemed very happy with these traditional themes for a newly married couple and was obviously desirous of Strozzi grandchildren. Since the cassoni are not to be exhibited publicly, such as a painting in a church, and will be seen only in the rooms of the newlyweds, I was able to experiment with the new and exciting techniques of perspective and foreshortening. The panels were prepared for painting with application of gesso by the assistants and they also ground the minerals for the tempera. I began with the annunciation panel by sketching the scene as the patron agreed to in the drawings presented with the contract. There were colonnaded loggias on either side of the panel which draw your eye to the Florentine cityscape in the background. The buildings represented in the background were based on actual buildings in Florence, though not in their actual locations. I was anxious to paint the tower of Giotto somewhere in the painting as it is a Florentine landmark. The floor was painted with an intarsia design of black marble quatrefoils inset in white marble in order to demonstrate my mastery of the science of perspective, as the design became smaller as it reached the center of the panel. The vanishing point in the center of the panel was an archway through which a small landscape was visible. The virgin was depicted on the right hand side of the panel, in front of one of the loggias. The angel Gabriel was depicted on the left in front of the other loggia. The virgin was standing and leaned back with her arms raised in a gesture of astonishment. She wore a red gown with a blue cloak and at the advice of Master Uccello, her gold halo was foreshortened in the new manner. While on the left, facing the Virgin, the Angel Gabriel was dressed in a red gown with gold bands at the neck and hem. His golden halo was also foreshortened. He was leaning forward with one hand raised to his mouth as he delivered the news of her pregnancy. In his other hand he held a lily signifying the purity of the Virgin. The dove signifying the holy spirit flies over the Virgins head. The Angels wings were also gilded at the tips. The second panel depicted the visitation of the Virgin to St. Elizabeth. .u44814eeae515a6dcdb97f94df586f0e6 , .u44814eeae515a6dcdb97f94df586f0e6 .postImageUrl , .u44814eeae515a6dcdb97f94df586f0e6 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u44814eeae515a6dcdb97f94df586f0e6 , .u44814eeae515a6dcdb97f94df586f0e6:hover , .u44814eeae515a6dcdb97f94df586f0e6:visited , .u44814eeae515a6dcdb97f94df586f0e6:active { border:0!important; } .u44814eeae515a6dcdb97f94df586f0e6 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u44814eeae515a6dcdb97f94df586f0e6 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u44814eeae515a6dcdb97f94df586f0e6:active , .u44814eeae515a6dcdb97f94df586f0e6:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u44814eeae515a6dcdb97f94df586f0e6 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u44814eeae515a6dcdb97f94df586f0e6 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u44814eeae515a6dcdb97f94df586f0e6 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u44814eeae515a6dcdb97f94df586f0e6 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u44814eeae515a6dcdb97f94df586f0e6:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u44814eeae515a6dcdb97f94df586f0e6 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u44814eeae515a6dcdb97f94df586f0e6 .u44814eeae515a6dcdb97f94df586f0e6-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u44814eeae515a6dcdb97f94df586f0e6:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Leisure EssayIt was a natural progression of the story of the Virgin because, as is well known, at the same time the Angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she was with child, he also told her that her cousin Elizabeth was also with child, the infant St. John the Baptist. In this panel I painted a landscape with hills and the trees of Tuscany. St. Elizabeths house was on the right and she was shown emerging from the doorway with her hands raised in a sign of greeting. The Virgin was depicted on the left with her head bowed and her arms folded. To her left I painted Joseph leading a donkey as, according to the legend, he traveled with the Virgin on her visit. This gave me an opportunity to work with the Master on the foreshortening of the donkey as that is what he enjoys painting the most. The Virgin wore the same clothing as in the first panel, a red gown with a blue cloak. In this way I tried to establish a continuing narrative of her story. St. Elizabeth wore a lighter blue gown (a much less expensive pigment) with a cloak of red. The donkey was brown with a red blanket. St. Joseph wore a gown of white with a brown cloak and carried a staff of rough wood. Master Uccello advised me to place a road in the middle of the landscape, which leads to a small city on a hill in the background. This would be a small homage to the center predella panel of the Strozzi Altarpiece painted by Gentile da Fabriano in the Strozzi family burial chapel in the Sacristy of Sta. Trinita.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Information and Data Value

Today one can hardly argue that IT investment is a significant aspect of a company’s strategic planning. Recent technological outbreaks have enabled managers to collect and handle any amounts of data records. The question, thence, arises, whether the informational interpretation might present any significant value for a firm’s performance. Thus, the necessity of developing efficient measuring tools such as the Return on Information metrics is explicable.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Information and Data Value specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Applying technologies for data analysis can either increase or decrease the information value depending on the efficiency of the selected approach. Thus, current research shows that the usage of the most modern and advanced machinery devices does not essentially guarantee the data cost advance. Nor does the type of data collected determine its utility for the improvement of a firm’s performance. Analysts tend to consider management functioning to be the key factor that preconditions the success of the ROI policy. Thus, managers of huge corporations claim that the vast digital data volumes are highly problematic to be turned into valuable insights that can be further used as the basis for budget scheduling. According to the results gathered from several case studies, effective ROI is only possible on condition that one deals with â€Å"the right information, from the right sources† (Mattocks 2013, par.5). Nevertheless, while modern technical equipment is not a pledge of successful information managing, poor IT policy is apt to decrease the value of data available. Return on Information analysis is to be preceded by profound targeting that will help to turn the relevant metrics into significant marketing indicators. As far as the success of Return on Information metrics application is determined by the objective setting; it is logical to suppose that ROI is to be managed by the strategy marketing department likely to handle the issue most efficiently. It is crucial that the company invests enough money in the employment of high-qualified analysts able of performing a precise evaluation of the data operating. Even though modern technologies are capable of processing any amounts of digital data, human factor still plays the key role, as it is a person responsible for the critical analysis of the received results. Whereas, the machinery sorts out the necessary statistics, a good specialist turns it into the materials valuable for the company’s performance. Thus, ROI performance requires organized cooperation between the head management that is supposed to define the objective and the professional analysts that can provide the demanded results (Pavlou et al. 2005).Advertising Looking for essay on it? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Basing on t he experience, one can point out several challenges that appear when measuring the ROI. First of all, companies are likely to face unforeseen expenses due to the hidden costs that the selected approach implies. Secondly, the abundance of sources available makes it a hard task to identify the most reliable one. Moreover, the choice of the search platform is frequently neglected as the non-important fact. This disregard can seriously complicate the process of data handling. Finally, ROI calculating is often performed within the wrong factor framework, whereas the only relevant criterion for ROI estimating is the value of the information. The data validity assessment is not always properly performed. There are numerous cases when the analysts fail to evaluate the information’s cost in the relation to the set objective. The so-called â€Å"Informational Age† requires the development of new approaches to the information operating. ROI assessment is to imply a complex of mea sures aimed at receiving a full database concerning the informational value, the justification of the IT investment, the congruity of the current management strategy. The ROI analysis is to be performed with consideration of the firm’s policy and budget peculiarities. Reference List Mattocks, R 2013, Marketing ROI Starts with a Return on Information, Pavlou, PA, Housel, TJ, Rodgers, W Jansen, E 2005, ‘Measuring the Return on Information Technology: A Knowledge-Based Approach for Revenue Allocation at the Process and Firm Level’, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, vol. 6, no. 7, pp. 199-226. This essay on Information and Data Value was written and submitted by user Renata Bridges to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Evaluation of the Companys Current Marketing Strategy Essays

Evaluation of the Companys Current Marketing Strategy Essays Evaluation of the Companys Current Marketing Strategy Essay Evaluation of the Companys Current Marketing Strategy Essay Cable TV segments their market by customers interest and need. They provide wide variety of TV plans to customers according to their interests. In short, Cable TV adopts the psychographic segmentation which divides buyers into different groups based on social class, lifestyle or personality characteristics. Variety of TV programs to suit different lifestyle and personality. For example, financial channel broadcasts up-to-date financial news is of investor typical interest. National Geographic and Discovery channels provide natural and geographic news to target on audience who like to acquire knowledge by watching TV. And most people watching Cable TV are on the purpose of entertainment only. So this is the largest and biggest segment. Also, Cable TV divides buyers into active buyer and passive buyer. It segments the market by imposing different price strategy in these two groups. For example, the price is cheaper if the sales are conducted by road show or outbound calls which they are segmented as passive buyers. In contrast, active buyers have to bear the basic price which is slightly higher then special price if it the customers directly contact Cable TV to apply for pay TV service. Targeting Cable TV mainly targets on the customers who are interested in the news, movies and sports. Nowadays, as there are an increasing number of customer demands for the informative programs, and a large number of male customers would acquire cable TV because of the broadcasting of live-sport programs while female customers would like to acquire it due to the 24 hours non-stop broadcasting of more up-dated movies and all these explain why cable would have such targeting. Product Positioning Cable TV positions its service as Pay TV equals to Cable TV. When people think of pay TV service, they would immediately think of Cable TV. To broadcast largest number of TV programs, it maintains as an industry leader in Hong Kong. Moreover, Cable TV positions its service as the best home entertainment to encourage more families to subscribe Cable TV. Marketing Mix Product The main advantage of Cable TV is provide consumer friendly service. It provides 67 24-hours non-stop broadcasting and less advertisement shown. Various channels are provided to suit different needs of users. The channels can be divided into several categories and basic and premium channels. (Exhibit 2)The main categories are sports, news and movies. Other fields include entertainment program, documentary, adventure program, adult program, and composite program for different countries. The variety programs can initiate people to acquire Cable TV service. Cable TV offers different plans for users. They are Cable TV Basic Package, Super Family Pack, Super Movie Pack, Super News Pack, We-Wet Entertainment Pack, Discovery Mega Pack, International Pack, Zee Pack and CAT6 pack. (Exhibit 3)However, these plans are not flexible and consumers cannot their favorite programs only. News channels are popular and can retain many current users due to its continuous updating and broadcasting. These news channels provide latest news and financial information in many countries. The updated information provided is extremely useful in nowadays world because of the increasing importance of service and information industry. Movies channels broadcast local and international movies. These movies are comparability new and they can satisfy many people who like watching movie. Cable TV wants to target on people who are interested in sports. It has many sports channels showing different sports events all over the world. The most attractive part of the sports channels is live and exclusive football matches of the four biggest soccer leagues in the world to satisfy users interests. Besides these three aspects, Cable TV notices people tend to know more about other countries, it introduces many international channels in recent years. There are 2 types of converters, analogue and digital converters. The rental fee is for both is the same but some of the channels can only be watched with the use of the digital converter. The variety of channels can satisfy consumer but the inefficient hotline dissatisfies consumers as it is very difficult to have direct connection to the customer service representative. Price Cable-TV offers a special monthly price for users if they prepaid one-year fee. And it offers discount to the Basic Package users to acquire other packages and premium channels. Larger discount is offered for first time users to attract them to try. For example, new users only pay $198 instead of $298 for the Basic Package in the first year of service. For different packages, they are with different prices. (Exhibit 3)However, the price of the packages is too high and this will discourage lower income group to install Cable TV. Besides the package fee, new customers need to pay rental fee of $30 for the converter. Customers can pay extra to watch the premium channels. If customers want to have one more Cable TV in their home, they need to pay extra fee for this additional outlet. The amounts of charges paid depend on the package used by customers. They need to pay extra half of the original price if they are using Basic Pack, Zee Pack, International Pack and all premium channels. They need to pay double if they use other packages. If customers want to terminate the service, Cable TV will offer a discount to attract them not to do so. This is useful as many consumers are concern with price. Promotion Booths Cable TV sets up a lot of temporary booths on new residential area to attract new customers. Very often, plans promoted from the booths are with a promotional discount, as an attraction. Owing to the large promotion coverage of the booths in Hong Kong, this promotion channel could impress consumer most. Unlike promotions on media, booths could actively reach consumers and wont be bound by media constraints. The performance of booths is fair. Although some consumers are attracted to the promotion or discount provided by these booths and initiate them to acquire Cable TV, some consumers have negative feelings toward them. Sometimes consumer may think that salesperson is annoying, as there are too much salespersons approach them in a short distance. Some say that the salespersons are immoral, they boost sales by providing untrue information induce consumer to purchase which in turn avoid consumers from renewing the contract. Door to door Promotion It is an active promotion launched occasionally in residential area, especially before big events like World Cup and Olympics. Each successful visit last around 15 to 30 minutes. It allows salesperson to have a better communication and contact with consumers, enable them to understand consumer better and take appropriate promotion words. It also enables cable TV to target those families who are not using cable TV according to the customer record. This is more cost and time effective, as only people who are interested would let salesperson to have a further conversation with them. Door to door promotion also allows information approach and stimulates consumers need at the right time. Before World Cup and Olympic, many consumers have the short-term need of getting cable TV. In addition, in home, consumer would have a better sense of security and would be more open and comfortable which constitutes a good environment for them to listen and talk to the salespersons. However, the coverage of this method is rather small, and the time cost is very high. Advertisement on Media Advertisement on media is a passive promotion. Consumers could select what they want to pay attention to and what they want to avoid. Several creative TV ads could successfully impress consumers. One interviewee could memorize the TV ads with a man singing Free Super Offer which is one year ago. Distribution Channel The distribute procedure is the consumer register first. Then salespersons will help consumer to call for installation and delivery of necessary devices. There are four ways of acquiring the service: Phone More than half of the interviewees acquire Cable TV actively by phone. Consumers reflect that the procedure is generally smooth, except they could not be directed to customer service officer when they make the call. Online download of form In Cable TV website, application form is in PDF form. Consumers could only print out the form and sent or fax back to Cable TV. This is not a user-friendly channel. Booths Except promotion, booths on street are also act as a distribution channel. As mentioned in the promotion, quality and quantity of booths should be controlled and adjusted. Door-to-door promotion Like booths on street, if the salesperson could successfully initiate consumer to acquire service through visiting their homes, they distribute the product. Recommendations Immediate actions: To increase its market shares in the industry, some strategies are applied in order to attract potential customers. Potential customers: Online Application This kind of application is very convenient and easy for the customers to use which would increase the sale by attracting more customers to apply for the services. In addition, the cost of this kind of distribution channel is also very low. But the problem is that, some strategies should be used to motivate the customers to apply Cable TV online. Promotions which can initiate consumption decision According to the survey, most of the users consider the variety of programs offered and price are the most important factors for their buying decision. As a result, it can stress on these aspects when launching promotions. Moreover, special discount period should be provided to an extent that above Just Noticeable Difference so that potential customers intention to acquire Cable TV will be increased. However, providing discounts will lead to decrease in profits and so it cannot be used as long-term strategies. Upgrade to digital converter This can help Cable TV prevent unauthorized user to free ride the pay TV service. There are some unlicensed TV converters that enable to watch Cable TV illegally. It is because the use of unlicensed TV converter will decrease current user or decrease customer intention to acquire Cable TV service. Current customers It is far more easy and profitable to retain current customers than attracting new customers. As a result, achieving customer satisfaction is very important. To achieve this, react to customer needs and so following recommendations are advised. Improve customer service As the majority of the customers dissatisfy with the customer service according to the findings. It is suggested that the number of staffs answering for phones should be increased and more training should be provided to staff to fasten the serving time and be consumer friendly. Introduce paid local film channel The findings show that the local movie channels are criticized as out-dated and repeated too frequently. However, providing latest film is costly, so it is suggested to introduce paid channel to satisfy consumer need and balance the costs. However, it has the direct competitors such as cinemas, which can give the audience better atmosphere. In addition, VCD is also anther competitor and it is very cheap and the latest films are also available. Yet, by introducing local film channel, it has the competitive advantages of convenience as the audience can just stay at home and enjoy the movie. The time and cost of searching information of customers reduces. Change to digital converter Analogue converters cannot watch some of the programs in basic plan nowadays which will dissatisfy current customers. Nevertheless, changing all converters is quite expensive and not all the users are willing to pay for the charge. Quantity of advertisements From the survey, most of the users thought that one of the advantages of Cable TV less advertisements. However, the amount of advertisements about Cable TV is increasing within the channels. It should pay attention to the quantity of advertisements to retain the customers. Launch female-favored channel Cable TV should launch a new channel targeting on the female. Programs that suit female include local shopping discount guidelines, or beauty news should be broadcasted. Long term Directions: In long run, Cable TV should improve its overall service include: Provide video-on-demand (VOD) service Video-on-demand service is a system based service that audiences can select watching any programs in any time. The new service can allow customers to enjoy a variety of programs on the interactive platform by offering more interactive application channels. The advantage of this service is that it can eliminate the restriction on the time schedule of different programs, thus it can satisfy audience instant gratification of specific TV program and they need not to wait for any time slot. In Hong Kong, people have an instant- need noodle culture which means that they demand instant food fulfillment with minimum cooking time. As the rhythm of their lifestyle is very fast, they are impatient to wait for a TV program on schedule. The disadvantage of this action is that it requires a higher cost to develop and apply this technology and Cable TV also need the technical support by other countries such as Japan and US. Channel based selection plan Consumers can acquire particular channels instead of paying a lump sum fee for a basic plan which included many channels. Base on the research, as many current basic plan users only watch a few channels and hence they would like to complain for pay the lump-sum fee. If Cable TV charges their price by the number of channels watched, people from lower income group would also apply for pay TV service due to the lower fee charged. As there are more combinations of customer to choose, Cable TV consumption plan become more flexible and consequently their market share in the pay TV service would be enlarged. However, as Cable TV provide many channels with different TV programs; consumer may not have a better understand of the nature content of that channel. So it requires more promotion effort to introduce to customer. For example, they can adopt a trail one time policy to let the potential consumer to try Cable TV service. Develop High Definition TV (HDTV) High Definition TV (HDTV) provides high quality TV picture. Now, the picture of Cable TV is restricted to 480I resolution. They can increase to 1080I resolution which is just the standard of TV resolution in Japan. Include more exclusive programs Cable TV should buy more patent from foreign TV channels and productions. To remain their high competitiveness and uniqueness, they need to provide more exclusive channels and productions which can not be broadcasted by their other direct competitors. Conclusion Cable TV, having the largest market share of pay TV service in Hong Kong, is facing increasingly keen competition since the introduction of Now Broadband TV. The main competitors changed from free TV service in the past to the broadband and other pay-TV services now. By our in-depth interview and literature review, pay TV users has an interesting characteristics and behaviours which enable us to base on the findings to suggest recommendations to help Cable TV fight against other pay TV service companies. Many competitors build up their marketing strategies from the aspects that Cable TV underperformed. Therefore, Cable TV has to revise its current marketing strategies and implements short term and long term actions that are recommended in order to maintain the market share and to the industry leader.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Battle of Passchendaele - World War I

The Battle of Passchendaele - World War I The Battle of Passchendaele was fought July 31 to November 6, 1917, during World War I (1914-1918). Meeting at Chantilly, France, in November 1916, Allied leaders discussed plans for the upcoming year. Having fought bloody battles earlier that year at Verdun and the Somme, they decided to attack on multiple fronts in 1917 with the goal of overwhelming the Central Powers. Though British Prime Minister David Lloyd George advocated for shifting the main effort to the Italian Front, he was overruled as the French commander-in-chief, General Robert Nivelle, desired to launch an offensive in Aisne. Amid the discussions, the commander of the British Expeditionary Force, Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig, pushed for an attack in Flanders. Talks continued into the winter and it was ultimately decided that the main Allied thrust would come in Aisne with the British conducting a supporting operation at Arras. Still eager to attack in Flanders, Haig secured Nivelles agreement that, should Aisne Offensive fail, he would be permitted to move forward in Belgium. Beginning in mid-April, Nivelles offensive proved a costly failure and was abandoned in early May. Allied Commanders Field Marshal Douglas HaigGeneral Hubert GoughGeneral Sir Herbert Plumer German Commander General Friedrich Bertram Sixt von Armin Haigs Plan With the French defeat and subsequent mutiny of their army, the onus for carrying the fight to the Germans in 1917 passed to the British. Moving forward with planning an offensive in Flanders, Haig sought to wear down the German army, which he believed was reaching a breaking point, and retake the Belgian ports that were supporting Germanys campaign of unrestricted submarine warfare. Planning to launch the offensive from the Ypres Salient, which had seen heavy fighting in 1914 and 1915, Haig intended to push across the Gheluvelt Plateau, take the village of Passchendaele, and then break through to open country. To pave the way for the Flanders offensive, Haig ordered General Herbert Plumer to capture Messines Ridge. Attacking on June 7, Plumers men won a stunning victory and carried the heights and some of the territory beyond. Seeking to capitalize on this success, Plumer advocated for immediately launching the main offensive, but Haig refused and delayed until July 31. On July 18, British artillery began a massive preliminary bombardment. Expending over 4.25 million shells, the bombardment alerted the German Fourth Armys commander, General Friedrich Bertram Sixt von Armin, that an attack was imminent. The British Attack At 3:50 AM on July 31, Allied forces began advancing behind a creeping barrage. The focus of the offensive was General Sir Hubert Goughs Fifth Army, which was supported to the south by Plumers Second Army and to the north by General Francois Anthoines French First Army. Attacking on an eleven-mile front, Allied forces had the most success in the north where the French and Goughs XIV Corps moved forward around 2,500-3,000 yards. To the south, attempts to drive east on the Menin Road were met with heavy resistance and gains were limited. A Grinding Battle Though Haigs men were penetrating the German defenses, they were quickly hampered by heavy rains which descended on the region. Turning the scarred landscape to mud, the situation was worsened as the preliminary bombardment had destroyed much of the areas drainage systems. As a result, the British were unable to press forward in force until August 16. Opening the Battle of Langemarck, British forces captured the village and surrounding area, but additional gains were small and casualties were high. To the south, II Corps continued to push on the Menin Road with minor success. Unhappy with Goughs progress, Haig switched the focus of the offensive south to Plumers Second Army and the southern part of Passchendaele Ridge. Opening the Battle of Menin Road on September 20, Plumer employed a series of limited attacks with the intention making small advances, consolidating, and then pushing forward again. In this grinding fashion, Plumers men were able to take the southern part of the ridge after the Battles of Polygon Wood (September 26) and Broodseinde (October 4). In the latter engagement, British forces captured 5,000 Germans, which led Haig to conclude that enemy resistance was faltering. Shifting the emphasis north, Haig directed Gough to strike at Poelcappelle on October 9. Attacking, Allied troops gained little ground, but suffered badly. Despite this, Haig ordered an assault on Passchendaele three days later. Slowed by mud and rain, the advance was turned back. Moving the Canadian Corps to the front, Haig began new attacks on Passchendaele on October 26. Conducting three operations, the Canadians finally secured the village on November 6 and cleared the high ground to the north four days later. Aftermath of the Battle Having taken Passchendaele, Haig elected to halt the offensive. Any further thoughts of pushing on were eliminated by the need to shift troops to Italy to aid in stemming the Austrian advance after their victory at the Battle of Caporetto. Having gained key ground around Ypres, Haig was able to claim success. Casualty numbers for the Battle of Passchendaele (also known as Third Ypres) are disputed. In the fighting British casualties may have ranged from 200,000 to 448,614, while Germany losses are computed at 260,400 to 400,000. A controversial topic, the Battle of Passchendaele has come to represent the bloody, attrition warfare that developed on the Western Front. In the years after the war, Haig was severely criticized by David Lloyd George and others for the small territorial gains that were made in exchange for massive troop losses. Conversely, the offensive relieved pressure on the French, whose army was being struck by mutinies, and inflicted large, irreplaceable losses on the German Army. Though Allied casualties were high, new American troops were beginning to arrive which would augment British and French forces. Though resources were limited due to the crisis in Italy, the British renewed operations on November 20 when they opened the Battle of Cambrai.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Slow Internet Surfing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Slow Internet Surfing - Essay Example Although spyware potentially harm computers in many ways, the most obvious effect of spyware infection is on surfing speed. When we get connected, the spyware automatically begin sending personal information without the knowledge of the computer user. In this way, the computer user believes he is receiving and sending his required information although in reality, his personal information is being uploaded without his notice or permission. This stealth process slows down the net surfing significantly and the user wonders what might be the actual problem for this dead slow speed. Apparently, computer users tend to believe that this problem can be overcome through installing anti-spyware software as all of the anti-spyware promise to search and destroy every kind of spyware within no time. However, it is not that easy, nor a recommended approach. In fact, the computer user has to be extra cautious while giving information online. Here are a few steps that are helpful for effectively blocking and preventing the spyware from infecting computers. Every time we visit a website, some temporary files are downloaded automaticall

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Example of science being used in my World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Example of science being used in my World - Essay Example st who had won Tour De France seven times at a stretch was disqualified from the victories because he was accused of doping charges by the Anti-doping Agency of the United States. Thus the discoveries in the areas of science and medicine can accentuate the performance of human beings which otherwise could not have been done. However men often forget their limitations and exploit medicine and science in a negative way as in case of doping. Excessive use of these prohibitive drugs can have adverse effects on the health of the sports persons. Kids who want to be strong are also provoked by these drugs and harm themselves The government has to take care of the issue by arresting the production and sale of these drugs. License should be imposed on retailers and online retailing of these drugs should also be controlled. The society as a whole should take responsibility to control this criminal offense and live life in the most natural way

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Code of Ethics Essay Example for Free

Code of Ethics Essay The primary purpose of a code of ethics is to safeguard the welfare of clients by providing what is in their best interest. It is also designed to safeguard the public and to guide professionals in their work so that they can provide the best service possible. All professional counselors are obligated to perform by a code of ethics. The American Counseling Association (ACA) provides guidance in resolving moral problems that professionals may encounter, whereas Christian counselors not only abide by the ACA Code of Ethics but also by the American Association of Christian Counselors AACC code, which promotes excellence and brings unity to Christian counselors, and gives honor to Jesus Christ. This paper will address the broad similarities and differences between the two codes, as well as comparisons in the specific areas of Confidentiality, Sexual Intimacies and Discrimination. Codes of Ethics Comparison A code of ethics is a systematic statement of ethical standards that represent the moral convictions and guide the practice behavior of a group (Clinton and Ohlschlager, 2002). † With that in mind, every counseling discipline has an ethics code which is continuously revised and updated to stay current with emerging issue, and to promote elevated clarity and direction to the profession. Thus, the ACA and AACC codes of ethics were both created to assist their members to better serve their clients. They also define values and behavioral standards necessary for ethical counseling. Yet while they are similar in intent, they are distinct in their foundational premise. General Similarities and Differences Both codes stress the importance of â€Å"promoting the welfare of consumers, practicing within the scope of one’s competence, doing no harm to the client, protecting client’s confidentiality and privacy, acting ethically and responsibly, avoiding exploitation, and upholding the integrity of the profession by striving for aspirational practice †(Corey, p. 6). However, the biggest difference between the two codes rests in the streams of influence, whereas the AACC code is rooted in a biblical worldview. In other words, the primary goal of the AACC is â€Å"to bring honor to Jesus Christ and his church, promote excellence in Christian counseling and bring unity to Christian counselors† (AACC, 2004). However, the ACA’s goals are educational, scientific, and professional. It strives to enhance the quality of life in society by promoting the development of professional counselors, advancing the counseling profession, and using the profession and practice of counseling to promote respect for human dignity and diversity (ACA, 2005). The primary goal of the AACC is â€Å"to bring honor to Jesus Christ and is church, promote excellence in Christian counseling and bring unity to Christian counselors† (AACC, 2004) Specific Comparisons Both codes express a high priority on client confidentiality. Also, they express the value of discussing and securing written consent from the client. They also both discuss the importance of client disclosure in that protecting confidential communication is always the first response of the counselor. The counselor is mandated to disclose information in life threaten or abusive situations. However, the distinct difference between the AACC and the ACA is in the area of privileged communication. While both associations require that counselors do not disclose client information as it relates to training, research or publication, the AACC adds that â€Å"Christian counselors do not disclose confidential client communications in any supervisory, consultation, teaching, preaching, publishing, or other activity without written or other legal authorization by the client† (AACC, 2004). The ACA and the AACC codes differ greatly in the concept of sexual Intimacies. In fact, The ACA (2005) used the term â€Å"sexual or romantic interactions or relationship†. In other words The ACA (2005) does not forbid, but sets guidelines pertaining to any participation of sexual or romantic interaction with any current or formal clients for a period of 5 years following the last professional contact. However, the AACC declared that all forms of sexual interactions or relationships outside of marriage are unethical. The only exception to this rule is marriage, which the AACC (2004) declared as â€Å"honorable before God†. Thus, guidelines have been appropriated to allow for such a case. In addition, Christian counselors are also forbidden to counsel current or former sexual partners and or marital partners. (AACC, 2004 )Discrimination can result in serious problems for both the people that hold them and the people that they are prejudiced against. Both associations agree that non-discrimination is the best practice, for clients should not be denied service based on age, religion, sexual orientation etc. However, the AACC maintains its biblical perspective in that counselors are to encourage biblical principles. While Christian counselors must not discriminate, they also cannot condone certain practices that conflict with biblical principles. For instance, in the area of sexual orientation, Christian counselors will not deny service. However they will â€Å"encourage sexual celibacy or biblically prescribed sexual behavior while such issues are being addressed† (AACC, 2004). Conclusion There are many similarities and differences relating to the code of ethics for the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) and the American Counseling Association (ACA). Through these areas we realize that the code of ethics sets boundaries and regulations for all professional counselors and without them, counselors could not be effective or productive in their true calling.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Patrons and Artisans of the Renaissance Period Essay -- European Histo

The Renaissance period (1400 to 1700) covered art, literature, philosophy and government. Renaissance culture spread outwards from Florence, to other Italian cities and then, over the following centuries, to the rest of Europe. It is widely understood that it was a unique combination of several different influences that led to the Renaissance, with the social and political conditions of the era, combined with great wealth and the large number of talented artists and artisans in Florence; influencing cultural development on an exceptional scale. Europe in the 15th Century depended on Italy for much of its commerce. Italy itself was made up of city-states in which power was shared by leading families. By 1400 its leading city-state, Florence, had established stable self-government and great wealth through textile trading and banking, leading to a shared feeling of optimism and power. Responsible for the wealth of Florence, the ruling class of merchants, manufacturers and bankers were proud, competitive, academically curious and culturally astute. This wealth made patronage of the arts and the growth of Renaissance culture possible. In turn patronage was a way of demonstrating one’s wealth and power. Wealthy families constantly tried to outdo each other with the extravagance of their commissions, with self-advertisement a key feature of Renaissance patronage. This is epitomised by Masaccio (1401-1428), in ‘The Holy Trinity’ fresco (1425) in the Santa Maria Novella church in Florence. In it, the patrons, Lorenzo Lenzi and his wife, kneel in front of St John the Baptist, Mary, Christ and God. Rivalry pushed patrons and artisans to outclass each other, with revolutionary achievements such as the Santa Maria del Fiore in... ...n times. The ability to document individual achievement and the development of printing from the 1460s helped this – and also helped the Renaissance to spread outside Italy and throughout Europe from the late 15th Century onwards. As the 15th Century drew to a close, the political and trading map of Europe was changing. In 1453 Constantinople, the seat of the Christian Byzantine Empire, was conquered by the Islamic Ottoman Empire, which threatened the Italian states to the east and enforced increasing commercial taxes against its merchants, France also laid claim to the region, initiating an invasion in 1494 that effectively destroyed Italy's commercial and artistic authority. Gradually, artists such as Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) and Michelangelo fled to larger imperial courts, with Leonardo spending his last years working for the French king Francis I.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Recruitment and Selection Strategies Paper Essay

The objective of this paper is to assist Bradley with the recruitment of new employee and the selection process to benefit the startup of his company. An important factor to identify in the process is to have a plan of action with an outline direction with an outline of the time set aside for recruitment. The recruitment process should not delay the opening of the company and each description should include the location, demographics of the company dynamics, and develop position, responsibilities, duties, and salary. Position Description Recruiting strategy is to interest, engage, and attract potential employees. The position has to have responsibilities, qualification, and duties that suit the job and represent the company. Provide the value of the role with clarity to attract the best employee to advance retention and limit turnover. Identify performance training time line with detail duties in written form to limit confusion and provide preferred qualification as a benchmark. Identify risk associated with the performance of the duties, the equipment, and employee accountability. Position Purpose The statement in the position purpose includes the organizational goals as it relates to the company direction and employee functions. The position purpose is to clarity the need for the position with a summary of the management team, candidate function, and opportunity. The relation the position has to the company dynamics in operational functions and customer satisfaction. Detail marketing strategy and why it is important to attract a particular cliental to the business for longevity. Reduce time waste with the outline of the job profile to reach the most qualifying associates.  The objective is to set up a search engine that is cost affective the benefits the company making the site user friendly to all applicants. Outline qualification from the most important to the least important to help narrow the research of each candidate helping the startup time meet the goals set by the company. Develop Recruitment Plan The management team has to have a list to determine each position that is requiring running the company effectively and efficiently. The plan is a map of the company strategy plans for the applicant placement that starts with the HR department working with the management team to post prospective positions outlining the time for each posting and in the order to hire for each position. The plan has to include draw back that will allow for declining positions. The plan will help determine the number of applicants for each position with limits for the number of interviews. The plan has to include the determination for educational qualification, background checks, and experience. Determine the value of the qualifying factors to determine the postings placement. Recruitment plan helps to plan cost of advertisement resources, plan the type of advertisement that will best fit the company purpose, and legal obligation regulation in the location of the company. Each factor has to be outline in the recruitment plan to reduce confusion and delays to organizational placement. Identify the job target to assist with the cost of advertisement. Determine the location of advertisement and time frame each advertisement utilizing all methods to benefit the company. The utilization can include media, paper advertisement (flyers, billboards, and ads). The advertisement can delay process if to many methods are in use and to help with this issue it is important to determine the number of applicant target setting a cut off number. Applicant Review The purpose for the applicant review is important to ensure each applicant has equal attention and every applicant has to reviewed and consider. The methods of reviewing application has to be outline in the recruitment plan to ensure fair and equal opportunity laws and regulations are upheld. The organization could employ a committee to help with the process or a board to  review the qualifying candidates. The candidates must apply in the consideration time to be consider for the position with the committee can pull applicants that have the qualification, apply within the time frame set for applying, and set all application up for retainer for a period set up by the company. Once reviewing the applications it is important to respond to the candidates in respect to perspective decisions for the position or not considered for the position. The recruitment process has to have a time line for each process to ensure success and have a completion time. The review of applications should have an outline set up and follow each procedure outline by the HR department, utilize documentation to identify candidates that are set up for interview and individuals that are do not meet the qualification are entitle to communication in the form of telephone, corresponding letter, or email. Preparing for Interview Preparing for interview is just as important as reviewing applications. The process has to have a format to set the direction of the interview. The direction of the interview must be clear and to the point to obtain the information about the applicant without discrimination of age, disability, race, and sex. The interview format is to help decision process for the applicant the interview questions should be written to identify the position. Prepare a packet to take notes and file with the applicants personal information to review after the initial interview. The question should be specific to the job pertaining to the competencies, skills, and requirements describing the duties and responsibilities. The preparation has to include time for each applicant making it important to schedule and maintain the schedule to meet operational goals. The verification of information is the one of the most important phases during the interview process. It is important to be specific but allow interaction with communication to introduce the environment of the company but reserve the communication to the job details. The interview phase is to help with the hiring process but it is important to review information before offering the position and determinations can be reserve until all candidates are  interview. Interview and Selection Process The mechanics of interviewing has particulars that have to be set up in during the initial introduction to make the interviewee inviting and comfortable during the interview but maintain control of the interview. The sets have little but strong management attributes that introduce the company to the perspective candidate and communication is important for the interviewee because in many situations the interviewee will do the talking and the job of the interviewer is to listen to the communication and identify skills, qualifications, and opportunity. Interviewer can become frustrated seeking a quick fit and to limit the stressor the team can set up a committee to take some of the stress out of the interview process. The committee can help with the final process and selection of qualifying individual. The team can prepare a rate sheet to help with the process to identify strengthens, weaknesses, and opportunity. Conclusion The company has to have structure during the recruitment process to assist in the growth of the company. The reduce obstacles during the process it is important to formulate a plan of action and follow the plan during each step. The steps in the recruiting and selection process will help maintain a schedule that will assist in the recruitment phase. Set goals for the company during the process that details the qualifications, expectation of each applicant, and utilize the local community to advance the advertisement process. Clarity the positions, duties, and qualifications to ensure the right person applies for the job. Create interview format to help with the selection process and each applicant must have consideration for the position during the review process. Overall recruitment and selection process is an introduction to the company and the environment starts during the first introduction with a firm hand shack. References Guidelines on the Recruitment, Selection and Retention, (9/2009). Retrieved Human Resources: Recruitment & Selection Hiring Process, (2/2/2914). Retrieved Recruiting and Selection Strategies Recommendation, (1/29/2014). Retrieved

Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Single-Dose, Randomized

A single-dose, randomized, two-way crossover study comparing two olanzapine tablet products in healthy adult male volunteers under fasting conditions Clinical Therapeutics, Volume 31, Issue 3, March 2009, Pages 600-608 Ahmed H. Elshafeey, Mohamed A. Elsherbiny, Mohsen M. Fathallah Methods: This bioequivalence study was carried out in healthy male volunteers using a single-dose, randomized, 2-way crossover design under fasting conditions.Statistical analysis of the pharmacokinetic parameters Cmax, AUC0-72, and AUC0-? was conducted to determine bioequivalence (after log-transformation of data using analysis of variance and 90% CIs) and to gain marketing approval in Egypt. The formulations were considered to be bioequivalent if the log-transformed ratios of the 3 pharmacokinetic parameters were within the predetermined bioequivalence range (ie, 80%–125%), as established by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).Both the test product (Trademark: Integrol ® [Global Napi Pharma ceuticals, Cairo, Egypt]) and the reference product (Trademark: Zyprexa ® [Eli Lilly and Company, Basingstoke, Hampshire, United Kingdom]) were administered as 10-mg tablets with 240 mL of water after an overnight fast on 2 treatment days, separated by a 2-week washout period. After dosing, serial blood samples were collected for 72 hours. Plasma samples were analyzed using a sensitive, reproducible, and accurate liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method capable of quantitating olanzapine in the range of 0. 67 to 16. 7 ng/mL, with a lower limit of quantitation of 0. 167 ng/mL. Adverse events were reported by the volunteers as instructed or observed by the resident physician, and were recorded, tabulated, and evaluated. Results: Twenty-four healthy adult male volunteers participated in this study. Their mean (SD) age was 24. 7 (6. 2) years (range, 19–41 years), mean weight was 73. 4 (6. 7) kg (range, 64–89 kg), and mean height was 174. 25 (4. 6) cm (range, 168–186 cm).Values for Cmax, AUC0-72, AUC0-? Tmax, t1/2, and the terminal disposition rate constant were found to be in agreement with previously reported values. The differences between the 2 products did not reach statistical significance at P ? 0. 05 (90% CIs: Cmax, 101. 82–124. 79; AUC0-72, 93. 36–102. 04; and AUC0-? , 88. 57–101. 77). The test/reference ratio of these parameters was within the acceptance range of the FDA criterion for bioequivalence. Both formulations were apparently well absorbed from the astrointestinal tract (ie, no specific gastrointestinal tract-related adverse events were reported). Conclusions: In this small study in healthy male volunteers, there were no statistically significant differences in any of the calculated pharmacokinetic parameters between the 10-mg test and reference tablets of olanzapine. The 90% CIs for the ratios of mean Cmax, AUC0-72, and AUC0-? were within the range of 80% to 125% (using log-transformed data ), meeting the FDA regulatory criterion for bioequivalence. Both formulations were well tolerated.

Friday, November 8, 2019

A Martian Sends a Postcard Home- Essay on point of view Essays

A Martian Sends a Postcard Home- Essay on point of view Essays A Martian Sends a Postcard Home- Essay on point of view Paper A Martian Sends a Postcard Home- Essay on point of view Paper Most analysts believe that the poem is simple and literally is about what the title suggests, UT really It could be discussing the Martians feeling of being trapped and wanting to go home. Realer provides us with many analogies about the Martians Inability to do stuff which could coincide with the barrier between freedom and being trapped like prison. Michael Vicki, a pro football player, has a very interesting description of prison, of being trapped which provides a very interesting analogy that can be made with Rains lines about the Martian. The poem provides many analogies that could represent the feeling of entrapment. For example Rain says Model T is a room with he lock inside?a key is turned to free the world. Rain is making a reference to the Martian being confused and doing everything backwards compared to a human. Rain even makes mention of some sort of haunting as he mentions ghost cries and creepy sounds that wake you up. Even more he talks about time going by as your tied to the wrist and ticking with impatience. It is amazing how confused the Martian is, he is trapped in a deeper meaning wanting to be free. At the end Rain provides his audience with something very Interesting. He uses an analogy where the Martian Is impairing the bathroom to a prison by saying it is a punishment room with only water. This really sets off an idea that Rain could possibly be referencing a prison in his poem. In the real world there are many examples of people crossing the boundary between freedom to Imprisonment and back to freedom. One example of this is Michael Vicki who threw away everything when he was convicted of dog fighting a few years ago. Vicki walked into prison, didnt look at anyone or anything, he was lost. He bit into pork from the cafeteria; it tasted weird not at all like pork he said. He was locked up and all he wanted was freedom. He continued to say how terrible things were as he described the type of things that go on at night In the cell that caused for terribly disturbing nights. Vicki finally hit the wall when he heard his grandma died of a stroke, he said now was finally the time he realized how much he really screwed up. Time was ticking for Vicki and eventually after serving his sentence, he was released. He made the most of his new bound freedom by helping the community and not going back to the life he used to live.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to job hunt this holiday season 

How to job hunt this holiday season   The holiday season is typically a time to gather with friends and family, reflect on the year that has passed, and think ahead to the new year- but for many folks it’s also a time to job hunt. The truth is, many companies don’t take the holidays off when seeking to fill open positions, and it could mean plenty of opportunities for you. A recent article in Forbes  answered the question â€Å"Are the holidays a good time to job search?† with a resounding yes: â€Å"Many professionals (and job seekers) are preoccupied with all they have to do during the holidays- family gatherings, travel, winter break from school, big dinners, and shopping. Seemingly for many, job searching takes a back seat during this time. However, these types of distractions are actually even beneficial, because there is less competition for job seekers. The holidays aren’t always a slow period. On the contrary, there’s a significant rise in jobs and job opportunities.†T he article goes on to speculate why the holidays might just be the ideal time to lock down your next big job opportunity: â€Å"There are key industries that have expansive hiring during the holiday season, particularly retail, operations, and even financial services. Companies are heavily entrenched in finalizing their business and budget goals for the New Year, which often include increasing the job force, closing out final deals, and negotiating acquisitions of new projects to jump start the fiscal year. Here’s another insider secret: there’s an influx of professionals who give notice during the holidays in order to take those well-planned and sought after dream vacations, and companies want to be fully staffed on January 1.†So, if you’re on the lookout for your next big career move and want to make the most of your holiday job hunt, let’s take a look at some strategies you can utilize to take full advantage of the opportunities that are out the re!Prepare in advance.Keep in mind that the holiday window isn’t endless- it typically starts around Thanksgiving and ends around New Year’s Day, which means that you have approximately 6 weeks to take full advantage of the holiday job hunt. That said, you don’t want to eat up a great deal of time with things you can prepare in advance. Make sure you have a list of target positions and industries and that your basic resume and cover letter (documents you should of course tweak as needed for various openings) are current and in good shape before the holidays begin, so you can use these 6 weeks to maximize your job hunt- it’ll help put you a step ahead of the competition!Take advantage of seasonal employment opportunities.Many companies and industries get especially busy during the holidays and routinely hire additional seasonal staff to help them meet with higher than normal work volume. A few examples include the retail, travel and tourism, food and hospi tality, and package delivery industries, among others. Although these are typically jobs with finite and predetermined lifespans, they do represent good ways to make some additional money during the holidays. And who knows- if you do a particularly good job you may impress someone enough to extend your position indefinitely. If seasonal employment is something that interests you, make sure to filter for this type of employment in your job searches.Be patient.Patience is always a virtue when it comes to job hunting, but it’s especially true during the holidays. Although your job hunt might be taking place during the holiday season, don’t be surprised if it lasts until well after they’re over. The truth is, although the holidays can be a great time to discover and apply to new job openings while facing less competition because lots of other job seekers are busy and preoccupied with holiday plans, so are the people who posted the ads. It’s not uncommon for p roductivity at all levels in the workplace to slow down to a crawl during the holidays, and this includes HR departments. Therefore, don’t be surprised if you wind up sending out a ton of resumes but don’t receive a ton of responses quickly.Have a thick skin.Resilience is a key trait if you’re determined to job hunt during the holiday season and don’t want the process to eat away at your holiday spirit. We’re all aware of the mental toll that a job hunt often takes. Very few of us get to experience the luxury of a quick hire after a brief job hunt. It’s much more likely that you’ll take a few trips on the emotional rollercoaster of hope and rejection as you apply for jobs and await replies. But this doesn’t mean that your job hunt has to cast a shadow over your holiday celebration plans. Remember, job hunts take time and rejection is a natural part of the process that we all experience- it’s certainly in your best intere st to keep this in mind and develop a thick skin while looking for a new job, unless you want your job hunt to be the Grinch that spoils your holiday plans.Be flexible.Flexibility is especially important during the holidays. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the season, meeting at unexpected hours for a call or face-to-face interview on the fly or being willing to endure a little holiday office chaos at the places you’re interviewing might just be a part of your search during the busy holiday season. If you take it in stride and show potential employers that you’re not rattled by unexpected curveballs, it’ll only work to your advantage during the process.There you have it- consider this your holiday job hunting strategy guide for making the most of the opportunities available during this busy time of the year. Take advantage of the advice presented here and you can hopefully ring in the New Year with a new job. Good luck!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Essay questions Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 20

Questions - Essay Example The agreements also meant that if a country was attacked, the allied states would offer defense against the war. Therefore, Austria-Hungarys declaration of war on Serbia marked the beginning of World War One as Russia moved in to defend Serbia a move that prompted Germany to declare war on Russia. Germany also attacked France through Belgium, and this also triggered the war with the Britons. Other allied states joined the war where the USA, Japan, and Italy entered the sides of their allies. Therefore, to this extent, the war has been blamed on the strong allies that encouraged a war atmosphere. The intelligence tests, Alpha and Army Beta tests became popular during the World War One as they were used to screen the army (Wynn, 343). The main purpose of the test was to offer the commanders with a chance and a quick method of testing the ability of their personnel or the junior army. History holds that the test was successful in testing and measuring verbal ability, the ability to follow directions, numerical ability, as well as knowledge information of the draftees. Besides, the Army Beta was a non-verbal tool that successfully evaluated the draftees on the levels of their literacy and was successful with the non-schooled as well as non-English speaking draftees and the volunteers. Therefore, the tests were administered on the draftees and helped the senior officers to identify the candidates who were capable of serving. On the other hand, the tests were also crucial for the classification of the draftees into various military jobs. Besides, history holds that the senior off icers also used the tests to select the individuals who had leadership traits to feel in the positions of the retired officers. Generally, the tests were actually effective in serving their purpose of testing verbal and non-verbal capabilities of the army draftees. The Great Depression happened

Friday, November 1, 2019

Applying a reading as a lens Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Applying a reading as a lens - Essay Example Forty years on in today’s world, men can be viewed through the same lens once considered only for women; today’s ‘ideal’ spectator may be female, looking at the nudity or semi-nudity of a man. The term nudity rather than nakedness is intentionally used here in light of Berger’s reference to the dichotomy between nakedness and nudity (), wherein if a person is naked they maintain self but to be nude that person becomes an object on display for the satisfaction of others. The depiction of the male in (Fig.1) is nude not naked and is an object for the desire of women and men. I say men, because such an image would also appeal to men whose sexual preference is for other men; I say men because the same image would appeal to hegemonic men who desire the same muscled physique as that paraded in the photograph. The author of this advertisement has considered his audience, his spectators, through a very wide lens and has been able to present an image that is exhibited in such a way as to allure the largest possible number of voyeurs. He has turned a man rather than a women ‘into and object – and most particularly an object of vision: a sight’ (Berger ). His visual representation provides evidence of his way of seeing what his intended audience wants to see; in other words, in his mind, through his lens he has defined his audience. Through his lens he sees one primary audience – one that is driven by sexual desires, which by definition transgresses all boundaries of gender. While the creator of this image has determined an image of his audience, the viewer can at the same time determine a picture of the creator. As a viewer looking at this photographic advertisement, I see it as having been created by somebody that understands how human nature is driven by sexuality and that in today’s world of equality and desire for perfection, such sexuality can be enticed by a male body. If the same advertisement pre sented a female body the creator would more likely lose a percentage of his spectators – homosexual males. I see a creator who is astute in selection of person for the image because it is that of the famous footballer and metrosexual David Beckham, which provides additional fodder for enticement. Fig.1 Calvin Klein What is particularly worthy of mention in this advertisement is the way in which the eyes of the image are looking directly at his spectators, as if to talk without speaking, knowing they are there looking at him in the same way that for Berger men look at women. In paintings discussed by Berger too the women rarely looked out to their audience but instead looked away or down (). Another difference between this photograph and the portrayal of women in European nude paintings is that women were exposed as submissive (Berger )wherein here the connotations are far from submissive; instead we get a sense of brazen assertiveness, a kind of ‘come and get me if you dare’ impression. There seems to be a fine line between this advertisement in fact, and soft pornography and the creator is inviting his spectators to a voyeuristic screening. While the body is displayed for its audience and to appeal to the sexuality of that audience, it still has much to do with the man’s own sexuality, unlike the same picture of a female displayed in the same way. There is no attempt to provide the spectator with a sense of ownership (as was the intent of female nudes) by minimizing the man’

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Mobile application Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Mobile application - Assignment Example The website will offer the latest technologies and games designed for popular mobile brands like Nokia, Vodafone, Motorolla, etc. A particular amount of money will be charged for these applications from the clients and memberships will also be offered to these people which will allow the users to download as many applications as they like for a particular amount of money. B: I believe this is a big opportunity for me because this business has a lot of scope and much room for progress. Everyone today owns a mobile phone and is interested in installing software that can help people connect easily with the world. Since mobile phones are now a necessity for children and adults, it is also becoming increasingly important for people to make their mobiles as convenient as they can. My website will provide exactly the kind of applications which are needed by these users. Since I am personally interested in Mobile phones and different applications and games, I think I will be able to maintain a good quality of the business and attract more customers. It will also help me learn more about the industry. C: This business is not just an opportunity for me but anyone else because of the nature of business. Online businesses are becoming increasingly popular with 78 per cent of the Americans doing their shopping online (Sterling, 2008). E-Bay, Home Store, and Amazon are some of the most popular businesses online. A full integrated mobile application online service has a lot of potential and can become one of the most popular businesses online. The main target of the business is the youth, which spends most of their time on social networking websites such as Facebook and Myspace. Mobile applications such as, Facebook for Android 1.3 attracts that youth as well as adults. If proper marketing is done and good quality is maintained, I think this business can become very successful in a very short time. D: I believe that the business is financially viable because the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Flash Animation Software Package Computer Science Essay

Flash Animation Software Package Computer Science Essay In this part of my assignment I would like to evaluate one software package. I would like to present basic information about Adobe Flash CS3 Professional. Also, I want to show you advantages and disadvantages of this program and describe where software could be improved. Adobe Flash  (Macromedia Flash) is a software  used to add  animations, video and  interactivity  to web pages. Flash is often used for games and advertisements. Flash was designed in 1996 and is now used by  Adobe Systems. It has been located as a tool for Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) Flash controls raster graphics and vector to give animation of text, images and drawings. Flash files are in the SWF format which is called (Shock Wave Flash) movies or flash games. Adobe Flash has included an option to add audio and video which makes your animation much more professional. Flash animation can be displayed on different computer systems and devices all the user need is Adobe Flash Player software which i s available to download for free. I have created a few animations using this program to meet assignment criteria. I never used this program before but I found it easy how to create simple animations. When I started to design my first animation I did not know how to use all tools that software provides. After 30 minutes I was able to create my first simple animation. It was not that professional like normal animation but it was something similar. I have spent a lot of time to create my first animation because I did not how to use these tools. I needed some help from instructions and sometimes I asked a teacher for help. I was testing my animations a few times with different combination of frames. This software provides very professional tools to create interesting animation. The program is made for everyone because is easy to use when you know how to use each of specific tools. I found out this software package is one of the best to design professional animations. I compared similar programs to create animations such as: pencil or 1-2-3 cartoon animation and I preferred to use Adobe one because it was so much easier to use for me. I enjoyed designing my animation in that software and I did not have any series problems to create simple animations. Flash has many good points some of there are: Using the software, web designers are able to use their ideas while building the website. There is no problem of browser compatibility. Data is uploading without any problems to any browser. Flash movies have a high loading speed. Flash is also very good drawing software and can create some interesting artwork. Very large software, easy to learn the basics for example; how to use specific tools or how to draw Everyone can create their animation very quick without spending time for long time learning the basics. Flash can be used to make; DVD productions, 3D animations, full movies, e-commerce and database on website, web advertising, drawing, software that can be used on websites. Flash can be used as educational software for children because tools are very easy to learn and use. 64-bit support for operating systems and 64-bit web browsers on Linux, Mac OS and Windows Audio and Video can be added while creating animation. It makes your animation more professional when audio is added. Also you can download a video to your animation to make your animation more interesting. Motion Tween technique is used in Adobes Flash animation software. Using this technique you are able to tweening a symbols from one position to a different position. Shape Tween technique is used in Adobes Flash animation software. This technique allows us to modify the shape of objects. By tweening objects, you can do something similar to morphing. Flash has a few bad points some of there are: The tools for writing and debugging the code are very plain. The code editor gives very limited functionality Takes long time to load files for example: images which are located on hard drive. It is also expected that some search engines may be unable to read the Flash texts It is slow in downloading images for example and the software works very slowly. Also the way that Flash works with text is one of major weakness. The support for HTML/CSS should be better, and especially there should be a way to deal with links, more advanced CSS features and complex formatting. WHERE SOFTWARE COULD BE IMPROVED? In my opinion the software could be improved because I found a few bad points of the software. Basically, the software takes long time to load and it can be annoying for users. That should be improved because it is a major weakness of Adobe software. Also the tools for writing and debugging the code could be better designed because are very plain and not very much professional. I found out opinions from people about Adobe Flash and they said that software sometimes may be unable to read the files. It is very annoying when the software is unable to read our files which are very important for us. In my opinion that should be improved very quick especially when many people describing this problem on forums. Also the code editor gives very limited functionality for uses and that could be improved. They should improve the code editor because it is very important thing for people who make professional animations. Also the poor integration could be improved between the Flash IDE and Flex Builder. Making professional animation is not very easy for beginners and sometimes any other software is needed. When the Adobe Flash has poor integration it is harder to make professional animation. Also the support for HTML and CSS should be better because is not fully supported. In my opinion these things should be improved straight away but the rest is absolutely fine and I cannot see any other problems. Conclusion In this part of my assignment I would like to make a conclusion about Adobe Flash Professional CS3. When I started desiging my first animation I did not know how to use the program at all. It was something impossible for me to make an animation and I was very disappointed because I did not even know how to start creating animation. I needed some help from instructions and also I asked my teacher when I did not know what to do. Anyway, after 30 minutes I was able to create my first simple animation. It was not really hard but I spent several minutes for practice and instructions. I did not even know that software is very simple and creating animation is fantastic with the Adobe Flash software. Everything is located very tidy and simple and is not that difficult to make animation. Also the instructions are available online on Adobes website so everyone can use them when help is needed. Actually, when you know the basic tools you should not have a problem with designing because the soft ware is simple. In my opinion the program is designed for beginners and professional animators because the software provides tools for professional animations and is very simply to use. The program is well known at schools, colleges or universities because it can be used as educational software. In my opinion the software is too slow but overall is designed very well and I enjoyed designing my animations and I did not have any series problems. I will recommend this program because in my opinion is the best for making animations.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Comparative Essay: Compare Nothings Changed with Vultures, Analysing :: English Literature

Comparative Essay: Compare Nothings Changed with Vultures, Analysing the Political Message Conveyed Introduction My essay is based on comparing the poems ‘Nothings Changed’ with ‘Vultures’. I am looking at the similarities and differences in the writing, characters, setting, structure, words and poetic devices used. I am also looking at the different emotions the different poets have used. How do the poets use setting to convey mood? ============================================ In ‘Vultures’ the poet uses sad and dull words to convey the mood. I know this because in the poem the poet has used words such as ‘greyness’ and ‘dead tee’. He has used these to express his emotions and to reinforce the atmosphere of the poem and what the poem is about. In ‘Nothings Changed’ the poet has used words to describe what he is looking at and how he feels. He has used words like ‘new up-market, haute cuisine’ and ‘working mans cafà © which sells bunny chow’. The words he has used are to enhance the setting and for the reader to acknowledge the comparisons between blacks and whites in the poem I think that the similarities in the poem are that both poems enhance the poet’s emotions and feelings. The differences are that in ‘Vultures’ has described his setting in a simple way, whereas in ‘Nothings Changed’ the writer has gone into detail. How does the poet use characters? The poet who has written the poem ‘Vultures’ has used his main characters as animals, which are vultures. He has also added the commandant. I know that the vultures are the main characters because the title of the poem is ‘Vultures’ and in there he has used sentences such as ‘a vulture perching high’ and ‘Nestled close to his mate’. The commandant has been introduced in the poem in the sentence ‘Thus the commandant’. As the word ‘Vultures’ is a metaphor it creates an image in the readers head to make the poem more effective and he commandant has been given two personalities to say what the character is like and to give more of an idea of what the poem is about. First, the commandant is said to be grouse, yet affectionate and capable as he stops at the sweet shop to buy his kids some sweets. The characters in ‘Nothings Changed’ are blacks and whites, which are against each other. The poet himself is also a character. The reason for this is that the poet tells how different whites are to blacks, as he uses setting and actions to suggest how the blacks and whites are seen to others. Sentences he uses are ‘New, up-market, haute cuisine†¦ Whites only inn’ and refers to the blacks in this sentence; ‘Working Comparative Essay: Compare Nothings Changed with Vultures, Analysing :: English Literature Comparative Essay: Compare Nothings Changed with Vultures, Analysing the Political Message Conveyed Introduction My essay is based on comparing the poems ‘Nothings Changed’ with ‘Vultures’. I am looking at the similarities and differences in the writing, characters, setting, structure, words and poetic devices used. I am also looking at the different emotions the different poets have used. How do the poets use setting to convey mood? ============================================ In ‘Vultures’ the poet uses sad and dull words to convey the mood. I know this because in the poem the poet has used words such as ‘greyness’ and ‘dead tee’. He has used these to express his emotions and to reinforce the atmosphere of the poem and what the poem is about. In ‘Nothings Changed’ the poet has used words to describe what he is looking at and how he feels. He has used words like ‘new up-market, haute cuisine’ and ‘working mans cafà © which sells bunny chow’. The words he has used are to enhance the setting and for the reader to acknowledge the comparisons between blacks and whites in the poem I think that the similarities in the poem are that both poems enhance the poet’s emotions and feelings. The differences are that in ‘Vultures’ has described his setting in a simple way, whereas in ‘Nothings Changed’ the writer has gone into detail. How does the poet use characters? The poet who has written the poem ‘Vultures’ has used his main characters as animals, which are vultures. He has also added the commandant. I know that the vultures are the main characters because the title of the poem is ‘Vultures’ and in there he has used sentences such as ‘a vulture perching high’ and ‘Nestled close to his mate’. The commandant has been introduced in the poem in the sentence ‘Thus the commandant’. As the word ‘Vultures’ is a metaphor it creates an image in the readers head to make the poem more effective and he commandant has been given two personalities to say what the character is like and to give more of an idea of what the poem is about. First, the commandant is said to be grouse, yet affectionate and capable as he stops at the sweet shop to buy his kids some sweets. The characters in ‘Nothings Changed’ are blacks and whites, which are against each other. The poet himself is also a character. The reason for this is that the poet tells how different whites are to blacks, as he uses setting and actions to suggest how the blacks and whites are seen to others. Sentences he uses are ‘New, up-market, haute cuisine†¦ Whites only inn’ and refers to the blacks in this sentence; ‘Working