Monday, September 30, 2019

Reading Important Essay

1. Reading is fundamental to function in today’s society. There are many adults who cannot read well enough to understand the instructions on a medicine bottle. That is a scary thought especially for their children. Filling out applications becomes impossible without help. Reading road or warning signs is difficult. Even following a map becomes a chore. 2. Reading is a vital skill in finding a good job. 3. Reading develops the mind. 4. Reading is how we discover new things. 5. Reading develops the imagination. 6. Reading develops the creative side of people. 7. Reading is key in developing a good self image. Non-readers or poor readers often have low opinions of themselves and their abilities. 8. Good reading skills improve spelling. 9. Ideas written down have changed the destiny of men and nations. 10. The power of written ideas communicated through reading is a foundational reason why some governments oppose free and honest communication. Illiterate people are easier to control and manipulate. They cannot do their own research and thinking. They must rely on what they are told. Words are the building blocks of life. You are, right now, the result of words that you have heard or read and believed. What you become in the future will depend on the words you believe about yourself now. People, families, relationships, and even nations are built from words. Think about it. Why is Writing Important? It seems like a silly question, but it is very important to be able to express yourself well. Our writings precede us, or introduce us. For example, when we apply for a job or to enroll in a school, we need to submit a resume and sometimes a cover letter, or when sending e-mails to someone we don’t actually know well or haven’t met yet (work partners, customers, or even responding on behalf of the company you work for). If we make a bad (or illegible) impression, the outcome for us may not be favorable. Poor writing may cost a lot; it may lead to misunderstanding and misconstruing due to sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and spelling problems. We need to write well for the following reasons: To translate, communicate, and materialize our ideas and thoughts into accessible documents that are useful to ourselves and others – To report our work in informative, concise, and professional formats Another important reason is that when writing, we are sending a message to our readers about who we are. Therefore, we need to be clear, focused, and accurate so as not to be misunderstood, underestimated, or ignored.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Enrollment System Essay

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, I would like to say â€Å"Thank God†, for giving me the health and strength in doing this project work until it done. Not forgotten to my family for providing everything, such as money, to buy anything that are related to this project work and their advise, which is the most needed for this project. Internet, books, computers and all that as my source to complete this project. They also supported me and encouraged me to complete this task so that I will not be procrastinate in doing it. Then I would like to thank my instructor, Mr. JoeySuba for guiding me throughout this project. We had some difficulties in doing this task but he taught us patiently until we knew what to do. INTRODUCTION Interest in information system has increased during the recent years not only in education but also in all areas where resources are managed. Two main reason account for this- the increasing population and the need for improved problem-solving tools. Student information system has always been a difficult task, but it is more so today than ever before, where administrators uses the traditional way of filing records on a cabinet. As the population of the students goes up, it is becoming more complex. Data should be stored in safer places, and can be retrieved easily and fast when someone needs it. Administrator’s task has becoming more complex, there have been efforts to improve the effectiveness of problem solving and central to this are quantitative techniques and electronic devices such as computers. In the field of education, researchers and theorists have focused intensively in recent years on examining the concepts and use of information to assist administrators, teachers, students and parents. Others have raised and discussed fundamental issues and uses of school information system to facilitate judgment and decision-making in schools. Schools, like any other organization used to manage all sorts of data and information to ensure attainment of its goals and objectives. The emerging needs in most schools for accurate and relevant data and reliable information strengthen the Student Information System. PROBLEM DEFINITION: This study attempted to identify the quality of information system in San Simon Integrated School . Based on my observations during the interview, i found out that on the manual system that the school is presently using, information and records were not kept accordingly that causes lost of important papers and documents. The student’s Form-137 was kept by the present teacher of the student as well as birth certificate or baptismal certificate, which has no assurance of safety keeping. Another problem identified is when the entries of names in the student’s lists are not updated, where some are complaining when records are incorrect if someone needs the documents. One respondent said that lists of classes were not produced immediately upon the start of the school year, that’s why it takes 2 to 3 days to know what the student’s section. ANALYSIS: Student information system has enhanced the quality of information generated in terms of precision or accuracy of data. Important things must be specified and considered for the proper usage of the system. This is designed to create a user-friendly program. The system must be kept in place that is well ventilated to avoid any risk of damage to the system. It must also be password protected to avoid from viruses and computer crime such as information theft. The system includes a manual that can be used by the authorized personnel to operate the program correctly. It must have a pleasing design and should be right coded for the benefit of the user. Audiences involved in the system must be secured and restricted. Proper maintenance and regular check-up of the system must be done to avoid any failures of it. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Because of the rapid growth of the student’s population in San Simon Integrated School, there are lots of problems encountered by both parents and the school administration. By using the manual enrollment system, problems such as time consuming production of information, unable to make corrections in student’s record, and tracking of student’s profile were not done fast and effective. Here are some alternative solutions that can be proposed to the school to avoid these kinds of problems:  · Provide a computerized enrollment system that has the ability to track records, make corrections and that can generate data fast and effective.  · Provide a system that can secure all the information and record of the students.  · Provide a software that will lessen the workloads of the teachers and the administration.  · To have a system that can give the students a successful enrollment system. RECOMMENDATION: Because of the problems encountered by San Simon Integrated School, we recommend to the administration to have another Enrollment system that is useful in many ways, and that is the computerized enrollment system. An enrollment system that has the ability to store students information, that can easily be retrieved and printed when needed. This enrollment system also can be able to make corrections of entry easily and fast. Through this, we can be sure that all the information will be kept in a single database so that we can minimize some problems like lost of records. It is recommended to the San Simon Integrated School that the detailed specification and implementation of the system would ensue as long as the administration approved the computerized enrollment system. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY San Simon Integrated School is a public school in San Simon Pampanga. Based on the investigations conducted, the school uses the traditional manual enrollment system. Data and information were kept on a filing cabinet, which finds difficulty and time consuming in retrieving the documents when needed. Grades were also kept by the present teacher of the students, which has no assurance of safe keeping. It also takes a long time to process the billings, lists of students, and correction of entries. During the first day of school, the students finds it hard to locate their names in a list posted on the doors of the classroom. Because of this, we are proposing the computerized student information system. This software has the ability to keep student’s records in a single database. This system can be the solution to some of the problems encountered by the school as defined previously. It is recommended to the school to provide a computer where we can install the system. And also, a committee which can be headed by some teacher must be organized to operate the system. This software can be acquired in a very minimal cost. Free seminars and trainings will be given to the person who will operate the system, and manuals will be provided. Some of the benefits that can be acquired in this system were: * easy correction of entries * effective and efficient production of data * grades can be kept in a database for future use * upon enrollment, students can immediately know their designated sections * will lessen the workloads of the teachers and staff * effective enrollment processing This proposed system is guaranteed to use, and will not be useless. Alternative solutions should be considered to make their enrollment system improved and progressive.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Business-2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business-2 - Essay Example With time, government intervention in economic policy has increased. This has led to the reconsideration of the existing interventions and policy structures, and the possibility of new ones. Since training of employees is seen as the prime factor that contributes to an increased output, governments are seeing this as an opportunity to improve the output of their industries. As a result, there is a growing debate about how governments should proceed with provision of general training to employees. One of the solutions is the provision of subsidies. This paper explores feasibility of such a measure in light of the human capital theory and provides arguments if it is justified. The costs and the skills gained from learning and being competent at a job have become an essential variable of productivity. According to renowned economists like Jacob Mincer and Gray S. Becker, if other factors are kept constant, personal incomes show variability depending upon the amount of investment in human capital (Marshall, 1998). Firms are investing more in human capital in order to increase the education and training of the employees. People have also started spending more time in upgrading their education and using it to increase their efficiency. The enrolment ratios of primary to secondary have risen such that all OECD boast of almost the same ratio. Tertiary enrolment ratios have also increased over the past couple of decades. Educationists and economists are sharing common goals to educate and empower the people in order to expand economic activity. Since the 1970s, there is more active participation in adult courses throughout the world. In Canada alone, the fractio n of people who opted for adult training courses incremented annually from 4% in 1960 to 28% in the start of the 1990s.Many educationists adhere to the notion that formal schooling is nothing more than the tip of the iceberg and lifelong learning entails many other

Friday, September 27, 2019

My travels around the world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

My travels around the world - Essay Example On the first day, I have arrived by plane from UAE to Paris, taken my bags and then went to the hotel. I have arranged my room before sleeping. On the second day, I went to the Montmartre area to see the Basilique du Sacrà ©-Coeur and walked up to the metro that would take me to the Eiffel Tower. Going up the tower for a full view of the city is a prime Paris tourist activity. At night, I have taken dinner then made my way over again to see the beautiful Eiffel Tower at night. At night, the Eiffel Tower, with its lights, is a beautiful sight to behold. The next day I have gone to the Louvre for an afternoon of art, culture, and history. I have taken lunch at the food court in the Carrousel du Louvre under the glass pyramid. The next item on my itinerary was to go up to the second most famous places in Paris, the Arc de Triomphe, for a panoramic view of Paris. On the fourth day, I have stayed at the hotel because I was very tired. In the next two days, I have gone to the Shanzelize S treet to do some shopping.   On March 8, 2013, I arrived by plane in Madrid, took my bags to the hotel and went to sleep. The next day, I went to the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum and chose this Museum because it has covered more contemporary art periods. I then walked up to Parque Del Retiro, one of the best city parks I have ever seen. It is very beautiful. In Parque Del Retiro, there are statues, a lake with boating, all of the kinds of plants and flowers and plenty of places for sitting and relaxing.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

LAW 2112 EUROPEAN SINGLE MARKET Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

LAW 2112 EUROPEAN SINGLE MARKET - Essay Example EU sets out three types of relationships between member states and the EU, namely: exclusive competences, shared competences, and fields in which EU law cannot exclude national legislatures from making law. (Damian Chalmers et al.p.184-5) The primacy principle applies here and it was first proclaimed in the case of Costa. EU law takes precedence over national law. The Costa v ENEL case was concerned with the nationalisation of the Italian electricity industry, whose bills Costa refused to pay in protest since he said its creation breached EU law. The Italian Constitutional court said that subscription to the EU was an ordinary law, subject, like any other, to repeal. The ECJ ruling overturned this, saying (1) that upon the EEC Treaty coming into force a â€Å"new legal order† came to exist, which caused EU law to enter into domestic law and that domestic courts are â€Å"bound to enforce† it. And (2) that â€Å"transfer from [member states’] domestic legal syste ms to a Community legal system† meant a loss of sovereignty and hence any subsequent act made in breach of EU law would be ineffective, since EU law would prevail. It was held by the ECJ: To allow national laws to be effective even when they conflict with EU law would frustrate the aim of creating a truly common market. It is implied that EU law is supreme over national law: otherwise it would be meaningless to say that regulations are binding and directly applicable†¦as national legislation could just nullify its effects. Law stemming from the treaty is an â€Å"independent source of law†. This ruling established that member states couldn’t deviate from EC treaties without prior permission. It also established that national high courts couldn’t determine incompatibility of national and EU law without consulting ECJ. This principle was neatly illustrated in Internationale Handelsgesellschaft v. Einfur in which the Court ruled that EU law takes precede nce over all forms of national law, including national constitutional law. â€Å"Therefore the validity of a Community measure or its effect within a member state cannot be affected by allegations that it runs counter to either fundamental rights as formulated by the constitution of that State or the principles of a national constitutional structure† Article 288 TFEU provides: To exercise the Union’s competences, the institutions shall adopt regulations, directives, decisions, recommendations and opinions. A regulation shall have general application. It shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. A directive shall be binding, as to the result to be achieved, upon each Member State to which it is addressed, but shall leave to the national authorities the choice of form and methods. A decision shall be binding in its entirety upon those to whom it is addressed. Recommendations and opinions shall have no binding force. Article 19 TEU pro vides: The Court of Justice of the European Union shall include the Court of Justice, the General Court and specialised courts. It shall ensure that in the interpretation and application of this Treaty the law is observed. Member States shall provide remedies sufficient to ensure effective legal protection in the fields covered by Union law. It follows that the law stemming from

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Practical Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Practical Decision Making - Essay Example In HTAB there are three kinds of Hypothesis - Research Hypothesis, Statistical Hypothesis and Substantive Hypothesis. Research Hypothesis is a statement of what the researcher believes will be the outcome of an experiment or a study. Statistical Hypothesis is a more formal structure derived from the research hypothesis. Substantive Hypothesis is a statistically significant difference which does not imply a material substantive difference. (Business Statistics 4e by Ken Black). A preconceived conclusion is an inevitable outcome of Research Hypothesis. The researcher tends to become biased. For example, older workers are more loyal to a company. That may true in most cases. But it is still a hypothesis. There maybe some old workers who resent company policy to the extent that they have been nursing grievances or have not been allowing new employees to prove their potential in the company. Statistical hypothesis is to some extent also preconceived . Although it has a more formal structure it is essentially based on the preconceived notion of the Research Hypothesis. Substantive Hypothesis is the significant difference which does not always encompass material or quantitative difference. There are two parts of Statistical hypothesis - a null hypothesis ... There maybe some old workers who resent company policy to the extent that they have been nursing grievances or have not been allowing new employees to prove their potential in the company. Statistical hypothesis is to some extent also preconceived . Although it has a more formal structure it is essentially based on the preconceived notion of the Research Hypothesis. Substantive Hypothesis is the significant difference which does not always encompass material or quantitative difference. There are two parts of Statistical hypothesis - a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis. According to Null Hypothesis one might be tempted to conclude that nothing new is happening. However, according to the Alternative Hypothesis one would emphatically conclude something new is happening. The Null and Alternative Hypotheses are mutually exclusive. Only one of them can be true. They are also collectively exhaustive. They are stated to include all possibilities. While Null Hypothesis is assumed to be true, the onus of proof falls on the Alternative Hypothesis. Failing to reject a false null hypothesis and rejecting a true null hypothesis are the two types of errors which occur in HTAB system. Once the Hypothesis is made it is tested. Based on the test result statistical action is taken. Then the Business Implications are determined. The first step in Testing Hypotheses is to establish the hypothesis and state the null and alternative hypotheses. Then the appropriate statistical test and sampling distribution is determined. After specifying Type I error rate the decision rule is stated. Sample Data is gathered and the value of the test statistic is calculated. Once the statistical conclusion is stated and the business implications are determined a managerial

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Extended definition about family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Extended definition about family - Essay Example There are different types of families, and they are in many settings. The functions and meanings of families depend on their connection to other societal institutions. A common family is a nuclear family, which also refers to conjugal families in the North America and Europe. To sociologists, there is a difference between the nuclear family and the conjugal family. According to them, conjugal families are relatively independent of the relatives of parents and of other families, while the nuclear families are the ones, which maintain a quite close relationship with their relatives.Extended family is also another family, which can mean people who are related by blood, and can refer to people who are related, and their relationships extend beyond the domestic group and do not fit into the conjugal family. These families refer to the normative structure, which is found in a society.All societies show some differences in the composition and outset of families. Sociologists, historians, an d anthropologists dedicate themselves to the understanding of variations, and changes in the family that result after some time. There is also another type of family called the bourgeois and is a family structure, which arises out of the sixteenth and seventeenth century from the European households. This family is formed from the marriage between a man and a woman under strictly defined gender roles. In this type of family, father is given the responsibly of looking income, while a woman has to take care of family matters.... This family is formed from the marriage between a man and a woman under strictly defined gender-roles. In this type of family, father is given the responsibly of looking income, while a woman has to take care of family matters. The huge transformation that led to current marriage in Western democracies was due to the religio-cultural value system provided by Judaism, early Christianity, Roman Catholic laws, and the Protestant Reformation. In some societies, there exist families, which are headed by the same sex. Although there is increasingly acceptance of the families headed by the same sex in the western societies, the heterosexual families are still the norm against which the same sex families are compared to. The rules of heterosexual marriage, which has encouraged same-sex partnerships to think critically about familial relationships, egalitarian strategies of family practices, and to invent creative family forms (Haviland, Prins & Walrath 242). There are also families, which ar e called blended families or stepfamily. These are families, which have mixed parents, whereby, one or both parents have remarried, and have children of the previous family in the present family. The affiliate of the couple to whom the child is not naturally linked is the stepparents. If the stepparents legally adopt the partners’ children, they become their legal parents. In this case, they may stop using the terms stepparent. However, some emotional issues that are common to stepfamilies may continue to be a problem. Family members should bond with their stepfamilies as with the biological families. Additionally, there are traditional and non-traditional families. The traditional families are those

Monday, September 23, 2019

Kindergarten Cop and Daddy Daycare movies analysis Essay

Kindergarten Cop and Daddy Daycare movies analysis - Essay Example Two films that depict such deviation from traditional gender roles are â€Å"Kindergarten Cop† and â€Å"Daddy Daycare†. Kindergarten Cop stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as a police officer tasked with a mission to catch a dangerous criminal. Posing as a kindergarten teacher, John Kimble, he initially struggles with his newfound role as a carer and educator of very young children. Daddy Daycare, on the other hand, stars Eddie Murphy as a former executive, Charlie Hinton, who was laid off from his job together with his best friend, Phil. Left in the house, unemployed, with their wives going to work, they take care of their children until the idea of putting up a daycare sprung to their minds. The local preschool, Chapman Academy, is a plush school that offers a sophisticated curriculum for the young ones at a very steep price. The people around the neighbourhood did not have any other choice for a quality preschool/daycare for their children, so Hinton (Eddie Murphy) and his friend, Paul set up one at his home. At first, people expressed surprise and suspicion about men taking over the jobs of teachers of young children, which were traditionally associated with women due to their nurturing nature. The movies showed how they initially fit in so well in their original jobs as a police officer and a corporate executive and were awkward in their new jobs as child minders. The social repercussions showed a â€Å"demotion† in status, and this was clearly manifested by a colleague of Hinton when he scoffed at him being a daycare teacher, coming from a privileged position in the company, and then labelled him a â€Å"loser†. Part of adjusting to their new role is the use of skills they used in their old jobs. For John Kimble (Schwarzenneger), it was the use of police tactics and military training to instill discipline in the children while for Charlie Hinton (Murphy), it was the use of presentation skills, including furnishing the pre-schoolers w ith a copy of the mission and vision of Daddy Daycare, which of course, failed miserably. Kimble was more successful because of the element of fear that came with his disciplinary measures. The children were too scared of the â€Å"giant† teacher not to obey. Later on, he modified his strategy to playing a game appointing the children as â€Å"trainees† in a police school. On the other hand, Hinton used a more child-centered approach, which is engaging in fun activities and consulting the children of what they would like to do and learn at Daddy Daycare. As the movies progressed, so did the characters’ competencies in handling young children. Their softer sides surfaced, showing tender scenes with the children. Although their machismo remained, the movies portrayed that it is alright for real men to be nurturing to children, and if that takes doing women’s roles, then it is acceptable too. Lynn Trodd, head of the Children’s Workforce Development Co uncil contends that research shows that men perceive working in an early years environment is not as prestigious as corporate jobs, have fewer career opportunities, has a vague career structure, the pension system is not in place and there is less in-service training. To top it all, it does not pay well. Being so, it is seen as a far less professional area of work (Men in Primary- Early Years). However, men can be a great resource to the children’s workforce as they bring with them their own special skills and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The lack of suitable rehabilitation for young offenders Essay

The lack of suitable rehabilitation for young offenders - Essay Example Lack of material, social and psychological support at the time of release, make it difficult for juvenile offenders to break the cycle of re-arrest and release. Extended and short-terms in a correctional facility provide limited chance for interventions and treatment to avert future recidivism. Community safety makes it crucial that communities, as well as governments, must develop effective interventions, which rehabilitate juveniles successfully. It is critical to developing interventions designed to achieve suitable rehabilitation for young offenders and that lower rates of re-offending. The social control theory highlights that a strong attachment of young persons to their families help in controlling and discouraging offending cases among them. Failed family attachment coupled with parental abuse increases the vulnerability of the young individuals to offending (Rees-Jones et al., 2012). Second, social learning theory stresses that the delinquency among juveniles occurs through a learned phenomenon that encompass imitation, modelling as well as reinforcement. Therefore, the juveniles learn and adopt the behaviour patterns that their abusers display. In addition, the theory points that the incidence of reoffending can escalate especially if the rehabilitation system does not sufficiently deal with the underlying causes of such juvenile offences. The social-psychological strain theory highlights that negative treatment generate backward emotions including frustration, anger and resentment. Therefore, juveniles are likely to offend especially if they had negative tre atment in the past. Juvenile delinquents confined in rehabilitation centers are faced with a number of personal, economic and social challenges, which tend to become obstacles to a lifestyle that is free from crime. Most of the challenges are consequences of experiences that the offender had, whereas some have connection to the

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Media Coursework Essay Example for Free

Media Coursework Essay For my GCSE media coursework I have been asked to write about a television soap or series. I have chosen to write about the popular soap, Eastenders. Eastenders is a fictional drama soap about a small community living in East London. First I shall explain what a soap is. A soap is a television program that is all about peoples daily lives and the events that happen. Soaps are ongoing, contemporary dramas. Contemporary means that the plots and storylines are all based on on real life events that can and do happen to real people. Ongoing means the plot of the soap is held out over the episodes. Soaps can be split into different categories such as, countryside soaps, city soaps, or police soaps. Emmerdale is an example of countryside soap, Coronation Street, Eastenders, as city soaps, and The Bill as a police soap. The reason television soaps are called soaps is because the soap used to be advertised on the side of soap packets. Soaps always end with a cliffhanger. When I say cliffhanger, I mean that at the end of the episode the main plot finishes half way through. This leaves the viewers wondering what will happen next, so they watch the next episode. On the other hand, series have a different way of keeping the viewers interested. At the end of the episode they show you a sneak preview of what will be happening in the next episode. I dont think this is a good way to make sure you keep your viewers because its spoils the surprise. A series has a new main plot for every episode, the plot is introduced as the episode begins and finishes as it ends. Series always have smaller plots. The idea for these is for you to keep in the back of your mind, so you keep watching. The smaller plots are carried on over two or three episodes, like in soap. Another way they keep people watching is by letting newspapers and magazines inform their readers of the future storylines. I dont think they should be allowed to do this because most people would rather watch the soap without knowing what will happen next. It makes the soap or series more enjoyable. By doing this, it means more people watch so they get more money. Another Eastender makes its money is by merchandising. In other words, Eastenders produce product which have a connection to Eastenders and try to sell them. On the Eastenders website (www. bbc. co. uk/eastenders) they sell items such as, mugs, T-shirt, books etc. All of which have some connection to Eastenders. They may have a picture of a character of Eastenders written across it. Series are not ongoing. They usually have about 12 episodes, then switch with a different series. Series also have different categories, such as, city and countryside series, relationship series, police, crime and prison series, comedy series, and hospital series. Both soaps and series exaggerate the plot to make it more interesting and attract more viewers. We know that it doesnt really happen like that in life but we except and believe it to make the soap work, if we didnt they would be no point in watching. Like in Eastenders, the characters live in a fictional city called Albert Square in East London. We all know this place doesnt exist but we believe in it. Julia Smith and Tony Holland created Eastenders as a rival for Coronation Street. The first ever episode was transmitted at 7pm on the 19th February 1985. For the first eight years, Eastenders was shown twice weekly but on the 11th April 1994, it was changed to three episodes per week. Now, in the year 2002, the standard yearly output with four episodes a week is 208 episodes plus the omnibus repeat on Sundays. However, there are often additional episodes filmed throughout the year, increasing the figure to between 210 and 215 episodes. I think one of the reasons it was changed to four times a week is because that is how many times Coronation Street is shown. Eastenders is one of the most successful BBC programs in history and to date is topping the charts with viewing figures of 11. 2milion viewers per weekday episode, which is equal to 53% share of television viewing. Eastenders is mostly watched by people aged 25- 45 with 34% of the viewers fitting in that age group. Closely following is the under24s which make up 24% of the viewers. The remaining 42% of the audience are the over 45s. Over half of the viewers are female whilst only 33% are male and 12% of Eastenders audience are children. The reason for such a low percentage of children, I think, is because Eastenders is on our screens at round about 7:30pm or 8:00pm and stays there for roughly half an hour. Most children would be in or going to bed. Eastenders is transmitted for our enjoyment, every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday with a repeat every Sunday. I timed an episode of Eastenders. The viewing time was 27:06:92 minutes and the credits were 00:31:38 seconds, which together, give a total o 27:38:25 minutes. This is slightly over the target length for Eastenders, which is 27 minutes and 15 seconds. The maximum is 27:40:00 minutes. I also timed an episode of another popular soap, Coronation Street. I found out that Eastenders is on our screens for about 1 minute and 30 seconds longer than Coronation Street. The reason for this may be that, Coronation Street has a commercial break, which Eastenders doesnt have. A plot is the main storyline of the program. It usually involves two or more of the characters. Currently, the main plot of Eastenders includes Phil Mitchell, Peggy Mitchell, Sonja Jackson, Jamie Mitchell, Lisa Fowler and her and Phils baby, Louise. In a recent episode, Lisa took her baby and fled to Portugal. Phil wasnt happy about this; after all she had taken his child. Phil followed her to find his daughter. In the last episode, Phil pulled up in a taxi and climbed out with Louise. The viewers were then expecting Lisa to get out, but then the taxi pulled away. Phil had returned. Without Lisa. People were very suspicious and refused to believe when Phil lied to them saying that he and Lisa had came to an agreement. He said Lisa was suicidal and they had agreed it was best for Phil to take the baby. We found out that this was a complete lie when Peggy, was unpacking for Phil and she came across two passports. One was Phils and the other was Lisas. Peggy knows he is lying but she refuses to believe it and keeps quiet about it. This is the main plot at the moment, it only involves a few characters, but it is interesting to watch. Other issues that have been in the plot of Eastenders include, rape, abortion, teenage pregnancy, homosexuality, drug addiction, prostitution, divorce, extra marital affairs, unmarried mothers, mixed marriages, murder, gambling, adoption, teenage runaways, Alzheimers disease, HIV/AIDS, drink driving and euthanasia. I think that it is a good idea to broadcast these issues because all these subjects happen in real- life and it helps people to learn about it and how to cope if it should ever happen to them. These issues could also be involved in the sub- plot. Sub- plots are just like main plots but they involve fewer characters and are just there for us to keep in the back of our minds. If soaps only had one storyline, it might not involve your favourite character so you might not be interested in watching. The most recent sub- plots in Eastenders are involving Ian and his wife, Laura. Laura is pregnant, but we all know it isnt Ians child because he has had a vasectomy. Steven, Ians son has found out that Ian is not his real dad and that his real dad doesnt even live in England or know he has a son. Sonja made her boyfriend Jamie, sneak into Phils pub to find Lisas passport. Soaps usually have about three or four sub- plots. This means only about half of the cast is actually involved in one episode. They are roughly 35 different characters in the cast, two of whom have been in Eastenders since the first episode. The two characters that have been in Eastenders since the first episode are Adam Woodyatt, who plays Ian Beale and Wendy Richard, better known as Pauline Fowler. Adam Woodyatt is my favourite character. He is 34 years old and was born on the 28th June 1968. He was born in Walthamstow. Adam is one of the few cast members to actually come from the East End of London. Ian Beale is my favourite character because he is a very believable character. This is because if you combine Adams wonderful acting with the skill of the scriptwriters, it creates a real, believable character. Also, Ian is nearly always written into the script. So far, Ian has been through divorce more than twice, bankruptcy, his wife tried to murder him, he has slept with a prostitute, told his old fianci e, Mel, that his child was ill just so she would marry him and his most recent plot is that his current wife, Laura, is pregnant but the child is definitely not Ians. Ian Beale comes across as a sneaky, sly, wimp and he likes to get his own way. He always seems to be plotting something but his plans never work. He is a bit of a failure. As a businessman, as a husband and as a dad. His business failed when he went bankrupt, he has been married three or four times and his son has left him, to go see his real dad. Ian does not seem like a nice man. The reason I like him is because I feel quite sorry for him. Everything goes wrong and I think he deserves something nice to happen. Underneath, I think he is really sensitive. He cries a lot, I must have seen him cry about 5 times, usually to do with his children. Ian is a character I definitely wouldnt like to be, because he has a hard life. However, the character I would love to be is Janine Butcher. The actress Charlie Brooks has the task of being Janine Butcher. Charlies date of birth is 3rd May 1981 and is originally from Barmouth, North Wales. Her first appearance in the soap was on 22nd June 1989 when she was only eight years of age. She was the third actress to play Janine Butcher. Janine is a fairly pleasant character although she is awful to the people she dislikes. I think she is greatly misunderstood. She likes to get her own way, and if she doesnt she really can be a frightful person to be near. She is also uses people. She once made friends with a man called Terry, just to get her hands on his money and have a job and a place to stay. But, I would still like to be Janine because she knows how to have fun and is very witty. Janine also knows how to take care of herself. These are the reasons I admire her. On a whole, I think Eastenders is really realistic because they dont exaggerate the issues too much unlike other soaps. It is also fun and easy to watch. It doesnt matter if you miss one or two episodes because it is so easy to catch up on the plot. I really enjoy watching Eastenders along with 53% of television viewing and I think it is one of the best soaps to watch.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Strategic Position of Baker Hughes Incorporated

Strategic Position of Baker Hughes Incorporated Baker Hughes is a combination of baker international cooperation and Hughes Tools Company in April 1987. A provider of formation evaluation , drilling, completion, production and reservoir consulting to the oil and gas industry with its operations into two Hemispheres, eastern with five regions (Asia pacific, Russia/Caspain, Middle East, Europe and Africa), western with four regions (US Golf, Latin America, US Land and Canada) with 35,000 employees in 90 countries. Setup The aim of this report is to critically evaluate the strategic position of Baker Hughes Incorporated and how its emerging technology in well completion may impact on the future position of the organisation. Background The company is very wide in oil and gas industry, provides reservoir consulting, formation evaluation, drilling, completion and production products and services to the worldwide oil and gas industry. The purpose of this course work is to explore the area of well completion products and services. Baker Oil Tools is a section of Baker Hughes in well completion products and services, its technologies, planning, and approach to avoid risk, reduces production, intervention cost, and extend the life of well. The scope and depth of reliable completion solutions allow you to create the ideal conduit from formation to surface, regardless of your well type or operating environment. This is the key to getting the most returns. For high-rate, big-bore completions to multizone, openhole horizontals in shale gas multilaterals, our completion systems are improving and minimizing life of well cost. The technology associated with this section of the oil and gas industry are artificial lift systems, permanent monitoring system, chemical injection system, integrated operation, wellbore construction and completion, specialty chemical and management. Baker Oil tool is responsible for the provision of equipment, services from its completion phase through the productive life of oil and gas wells. Wellbore intervention products and services are to produce the asset, deals with troubleshooting drilling problems, improve maintenance, and restore economical production. Technologically based tools used in wellbore intervention are tubing fishing system, casing exists, wellbore cleaning and temporary abandonment. (Baker Hughes 2010). 2.1 Profile Baker Hughes (Wikipedia 2010) provides reservoir consulting, formation evaluation, drilling, completion and production products and services to the worldwide oil and gas industry. It has made impact in the oil and gas industry in providing reliable, practical solutions when and where to its customers to reduce costs, risk and improving on its productivity. From reservoir to the refinery, they have created value with high-performance products and services to analyze, drill, evaluate, complete and produce oil and gas reserves and then transport and refine the hydrocarbons. Innovation has been part of Baker Hughes, through conceived ground breaking inventions that has revolutionized the oil and gas industry. They have advanced and searching for solutions to conquer the next frontier in areas such as: Differential performance, Regions and geomarkets, Technology, Technical expertise, Drilling and evaluation, Completions and production, Fluids and chemicals, Reservoir technology and consul ting services. It is a top-tier oilfield service company with a century-long track record which delivers solutions that help oil and gas operators make the most of their reservoirs that provides reliable, practical solutions when and where to their customers at lower costs, reduce risk and improve productivity and helps oil and gas producers by providing practical technology to find, develop, produce and manage petroleum reservoirs. (Wikipedia 2010) 2.2 Mission Strive to build an inclusive culture that values the diversity of our global workforce and sustains an environment in which employees can develop and reach their ultimate potential. 2.3 Vision Global team of diverse, talented, and results-driven people makes Baker Hughes the company of choice for our employees, customers, and communities. ENVIRONMENT The environment comprises of two segments namely the Internal and External Environment. Internal This part of the environment explores the organizations mission, vision, purpose and value, stakeholders and power, culture, organizational balance, process and competence, etc 3.1.1 Stakeholder Stakeholder can be a person, group, organization, or system who affects or can be affected by an organizations actions. According to the definition above, Baker Hughes stockholders comprises of the management, customers, suppliers, government agencies, staff, local community, shareholders, political parties, union, trade association, owners, financial community, activity group, customer association and group, media. Baker Hughes stockholder service is managed by Mellon Investor Services, a transfer agent and registrar who assist in managing the investment, keeps record of every outstanding stock certificate and the name of the person to whom it is registered. When stock changes hands, the agent transfers the ownership of the stock from the sellers name to the buyers name. At the end of each day, they reconcile all transfer records and makes sure that the number of shares debited is equal to the number of shares credited. It also uses the stockholder records to pay dividends and issue proxies. (Baker Hughes 2010) 3.1.2 Stakeholders map Low INTEREST High GROWTH Customers, Union, Media, Trade Union, media Staff, Top Management, Shareholders, Financial Community, Suppliers, Local Community, Customers Government, Shareholders, Management, Political Group, Financial Community Customers, Local Community, Media, 3.1.3 Culture Company culture is the unique qualities of the organisation. It determines how the workers act, energy contributed to overall teamwork, innovation, technology, customer service, productivity, problem solving and quality. Baker Hughes delivers performance at well site through application of technical knowledge, practical experience, and dedication to quality service. This company has built a very high performance culture, based on its Core Values of Teamwork, Integrity, Performance and Learning. Programs in baker Hughes are introduced to encourage, recognize and reward perfect execution at rig site. Baker Hughes field performance is supported with worldwide operations networking organized around specific product lines, to enable best in class planning, logistics, equipment repair and technical service. With the structure of Baker Hughes culture, shareholders can raise opinions and resolve it together, acting on new opportunities, move into new one and, creative in direction. (Baker Hughes 2010) 3.1.4 Balance of the Organization This segment describes the balance of the product and services of Baker Hughes as a company. High SHARE Low GROWTH High Revenue, High Market Share Low Revenue, High Market Share High Revenue, Low Market Share Low Revenue, Low Market Share The Market Growth versus Market Share interprets the organizational balance of Baker Hughes, its growth in product and services, and Market Value. Efficiency and Effectiveness increases their value. Baker Hughes is a supplier of wellbore-related products and services provide products and services for drilling, formation evaluation, completion and production, and reservoir technology and consulting to the worldwide oil and natural gas industry. Baker Hughes business is dependent on the capital of its customers, expenditures, dedication to field development and production, oil and natural gas exploration, customers expectations for future oil and gas prices, economic growth, hydrocarbon demand and current and future oil and natural gas production. The balance of the organisation and its operations is organised into a number of geomarket regions, which report to nine different region presidents, then report to two hemisphere presidents. Product-line marketing and technology report to the president of products and technology. The presidents of Western Hemisphere, Eastern Hemisphere, Products and Technology, Vice President of Supply Chain report to Chief Operating Officer of the comp any. This organizational structure is intended to strengthen client-focused operations by moving management into the countries where its businesses are conducted. The product-line is responsible for product development and manufacturing, technology, marketing and delivery of solutions for customers to advance reservoir performance. While the supply chain is responsible for development of cost-effective procurement and manufacturing of products and services. (Wikipedia 2010) According to Deaton C. C., (2010) Quarter three was a good quarter for Baker Hughes. Our Drilling and Evaluation segment reported record revenue, record operating profit and record operating profit margins with 44% year-over-year incremental operating profit margins. Accordingly, we will continue to invest in manufacturing capacity, make additions to our rental fleets, and hire and train field engineers to support our customers needs through the end of the decade. (Baker Hughes 2010) 3.1.5 Process / Value In Baker Hughes, integrity is the foundation of their individual and corporate actions in honesty, trustworthy, respect and ethical in our actions which drives an organization. The values of baker Hughes are the basis for maintaining a common culture. These cultures are: Integrity, Teamwork, Performance, and Learning. Teamwork enhances their individual abilities and strengths to achieve a common goal. Performance excellence, focusing on things that are important drives the results that differentiates baker Hughes from other competitors in the oil and gas industry. Learning in an environment where benchmarking and adopting best practices is the key to achieving the potentials of individual and the company. According to Bradfield, D. H., (2010) The Company specialises in the design and supply of process packages and completely integrated systems for oil/gas production, refinery waste water treatment, petrochemical and power generation markets. Baker Hughes business is basically in two segments namely drilling and evaluation, and completion and production. The drilling and production provides product and services used to drill and evaluate oil and gas wells, drilling and completion fluids, directional drilling services, measurement while drilling (MWD), logging while drilling (LWD). The completion and production segment provides product and services used in the completion and production phase of oil and gas wells. Its basically offers wellbore construction, casedhole completion, sand control and wellbore intervention solutions. (Baker Hughes 2010) EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT This section of the organisation is where either the structure, strategy is affected or both. 3.2.1 Five Forces Analysis Five forces analysis looks at five key areas namely the entry, power of buyers, power of suppliers, the substitutes, and competitive rivalry. New Entrants. There is a lot of oil and gas servicing companies all over the earth, barriers to entry into this industry are numerous to scare away the new companies. They vary depending on the area of product and service, market the company is situated. If we consider a company to supply pumping trucks needed at well sites which will very costly at a rate of one million pounds each. While other areas of the oil and gas business requires skilled manpower to handle this equipments. This category of company in the oil and gas sector such as these have higherÂÂ  barriers to entry thanÂÂ  those offering just drilling, support services or services. Sufficient cash is another big barrier to entry. New companies need to have sufficient money to displace the existing ones. These factors are also considered; The economical value, the high or low cost of entry, ease of access to distribution channels , cost advantages not related to the size of the, will competitors retaliate, government action, h ow important is differentiation. , very high if there are few but big players in the industry, the rate of cost reduction when switching customers is always low. Suppliers. ÂÂ   Baker Hughes is one of the leading oil and gas company in the world, much of this section of the business is dominated by powerful companies. Their large amounts of huge capital investment tend to weed out suppliers of rigs, refining pipeline. No much of competition, but have significant power over smaller drilling and support companies. Buyers. Power tends to go towards the buyer but almost all commodities there are no much difference, the buyer goes for where prices are low and a better contract term. Substitutes. ÂÂ   These are generally alternative to oil which includes solar power, wind power, gas, coal, biofuel, nuclear energy and hydroelectricity. Oil is not powering automobile, it is very useful in other materials like plastic. Baker Hughes can withstand the treat of substitute because of its specialty in areas directional drilling and seismic drilling. This company is critically analysed because of their product and services. Rivalry. ÂÂ   The slow rate at which these oil and gas companies grow is what is facing most of them. Almost every company in this industry can do one thing; there is a high exit barrier in the oil and gas companies. Aside of the companys scrap value of the equipment, if it not operating, then, it value-adding capability.ÂÂ  Baker Hughes major rivalry is Slumberger, Halliburton and Weatherford. This is most likely to be high where entry is likely; substitute products, suppliers and buyers intend to control the market. (Baker Hughes 2010) 3.2.2. PESTL NEW ENTRANTS DEEP WELL OIL GAS. INC. SUPPLIERS AMOS INTERNATIONAL TEK OCEAN VTT MARITIME BUYERS ATLAS COPS, NORTH AMERICA COMPETITORS HALLIBURTON WEATHERFORD SCHLUMBERGER SUBSTITUTE BIOFUEL 3.2.3 VALUE CHAIN DIAGRAM Support Activities of the company FIRM INFRASTRUCTURE: Administration, Legal, Financial Management, Accounting HUMAN RESOURCES: Training, Recruitment, Personnel, staff planning PRODUCT AND TECHNOLOGY: Production Engineering, Market Testing, RD, Product and Process Design, Drilling Engineering PROCUREMENT: Specification, Funding, Supplier Management, Subcontracting Inbound Logistics Operations Outbound Logistics Sales and Marketing Servicing Supply Schedules, Raw material, Controls, Receiving, Quality control, Equipments Production control, Manufacturing , Packaging, Quality control, Drilling, Well Completion Delivering, Invoicing, Order handling, Dispatch, Finishing goods Promotions, Market research, Sales analysis, Order taking, Customer Management Education and Training, Upgrades, Maintenance Primary Activities of the company. SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. SWOT is the internal Strengths and Weaknesses of a firm and the environmental Opportunities and Threats facing a firm. SWOT analysis is a technique, which is widely used by managers to analyse a companys strategic situation. Baker Hughes effective strategy is derives from its internal resources (strengths and weaknesses) and its external situation (opportunities and threats). If accurately applied, baker Hughes has powerful implications for the design of a successful strategy. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) FACTORS Internal Strengths Steady financial performance Strong RD capability Wide product portfolio Wide geographical presence Weaknesses Lack of scale Settlement with DOJ and SEC External Opportunities Growth in global oil and gas drilling Acquisitions of BJ Services Nova Technology Corporation Energy services in China Deepwater Technology Threats Intense competition Risks associated with conducting business outside the US Economic slowdown in the US Seasonal fluctuation Renewable energy Baker Hughes is focused on expanding in high growth regions like Russia, Middle East, capitalizing in high oil price, profitability in the Middle East is far guaranteed. Baker Hughes is learning to swim in deeper waters which is a new demand in oil and gas industry. In deepwater technology, drilling is expensive and oil is drilled thousands of feet below sea level. Seasonal fluctuation poses a threat to baker Hughes profits. Renewable energy also poses a threat to baker Hughes demands. (Datamonitor 2008) STRATEGIC POSITION OF BAKER HUGHES Baker Hughes has invested on people, infrastructure and technology. It served as the foundation for the next of strategy action designed to help increase market share and achieve a long-term profitable growth. Their strategic position is in three-phase Improve customers focus; by improving management diversity and quality, establish market segment to facilitate communication across the enterprise, reorganisation, customer segmentation and people strategy. Achieve operational effectiveness; hiring of the first chief information officer to lead enterprise wide information team, Outsourcing certain finance operations to reduce cost and improve efficiency, Hiring of vice president of supply chain to establish an enterprise approach to supply chain function, e.g. manufacturing, purchasing and logistics. Optimize product portfolio; Build out reservoir technology and consulting group. Targeted research, development and engineering spending in global network of technology on key projects, Establishing of three project centers, namely completion and production; fluid and chemicals; drilling and evaluation. Filling of significant gaps in product portfolio in areas like pressure pumping through the merger and acquisition of BJ Services and its product lines which are; INTEQ: provides drilling and formation evaluation. Baker Atlas: wireline logging services e.g. advanced formation evaluation, production and reservoir engineering, petrophysical and geophysical data acquisition. Baker Hughes Drilling Fluids: Fluid system and services e.g. optimise drilling and completion process, maximise hydrocarbon production and manage drilling waste. Hughes Christensen: provides Tricone TM and PDC drill bits, ream while drilling and casing drilling technology. Baker Oil Tools: completion, intelligent production and intervention solution to manage cost and reduce risk while maximising reservoir. Centrilift: artificial lift systems e.g. submerging pumps ESP, specific engineering, project management, well monitoring services. Baker petrolite: chemical technology solution for hydrocarbon production, transportation and processing, delivers pipeline integrity services. (Baker Hughes 2010) NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN WELL COMPLETION INTERVENTION Baker Oil Tools, world leader in well completion and intervention solutions. Division of Baker Hughes, which provides completion through Packers and Flow Control, Subsurface Safety Systems, Liner Systems and Wellbore Isolation, Sand Control Pumping, Tools, and Services, Tubing-Conveyed Perforating, Systems. This branch of baker Hughes is sealing and anchoring technologies, planning, risk avoidance, maximising production, reduce intervention cost, and extend the life of well. Baker Hughes has made impact in the oil and gas industry, from the reservoir to the refinery they have created value with high-performance in their products and services to analyze, drill, evaluate, complete and produce oil and gas reserves and then transport and refine these hydrocarbons. (Baker Hughes 2010) These are the emerging technologies in well completion and intervention Packers and flow controls: To increase profit by reducing risk and minimizing life of well cost. Subsurface safety system: reduce risk and increase profit using subsurface safety valves. Liner system and wellbore isolation: reduce risk and CAPLEX (Capital Expenses) Sand control pumping, tools, and services: ensures operational excellence in unconsolidated formation at less risk. Tubing conveyed perforation: achieve maximum production using efficient completion solution. Expandable solid tubular system: maximise hole size with significantly reduce non productive time (NPT). Fishing service: reduce the cost of wellbore problem. Casing exit: increase profit by accessing previously uneconomic reserves and bypassing trouble Remedial and stimulation: lower risk, boost effectiveness of remediation and stimulation operations. Baker Hughes has been know for success in technology innovation. Local teams are supported by global centers of excellence where scientists push the boundaries of value-adding technology to find solutions for progressively more complex technical challenges at dedicated innovation centers. (Baker Hughes 2010) IMPACT OF STRATEGIC POSITION The impact of strategy position has enhanced their productivity, efficiency and effectiveness in areas such as: Global Benefits Strategy, Labour and Management Relations, Employee Development, Recruiting and Retention, Global Workforce. Workforce_jobtype_region Workplace Diversity and Equal Opportunity Salary_ratio Turnover Employee_turnover Turnover_region_jobtype Baker Hughes strategic position will impact on a nations economy by implementing programs that provide sustainable benefits to the people and communities operation. Baker Hughes employment program is designed to promote diversity in workplace; varied experiences and skills are highly valued and applied toward common goals. These strategies are implemented through assurance of job opportunities for local citizens at every level of the organization. Also, training and development program to advance and succeed in their different careers. The governments, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, customers, and employees are engaged to address the social needs of community stakeholders, education is placed as a priority in baker Hughes worldwide contributions. Employees are supported by a culture which values workplace diversity, team work, together across geographies and product-lines to deliver advanced technology solutions. The technology program in baker Hughes promotes professionalism, development of science, engineering and employees with technical abilities in their career advancement opportunities based on their performances and contributions to baker Hughes. Global Learning and Development Program provides non-technical training to professionals in corporate and support roles. (Baker Hughes 2010) Baker Hughes is committed to national content to add people and its economy. Expanding its investments in advanced technology, developing oil and gas markets, identifying national content development, as a measure to operational success. Committed to promoting three key areas:ÂÂ  global workforce, local suppliers and communities. With focus on these areas like :ÂÂ  global workforce, local suppliers and communities, the region and each geomarket management team implement specific plans in adapting with governments legislation, and develop businesses, communities and its local citizens. Engaging customers as partner requires an organisation with the training and experience to deliver effectively. With global workforce, local citizens are represented in managerial, operations and technical positions collectively delivering. There is impact through talent acquisition program; by building students. Baker Hughes is aiming to continue increasing the composition of workplace and career development. In community level, national content is encouraged through social contributions, which are majorly focused on education. In expanding national content plans, baker Hughes is looking for opportunities to build on the success of existingÂÂ  educational programs. (Baker Hughes 2010) CONCLUSION Baker Hughes has invested significantly in people, infrastructure and technology. These investments served as the foundation for the next set of strategic actions designed to help increase market share and achieve long-term profitable growth. Increasing market share and achieving long-term profitable growth requires Baker Hughes to pursue two related enterprise strategies: continue to build global capabilities to serve customers around the world, and deploy customized local solutions to meet customers needs in each geographic market. For these strategies to be achieved, first, improve customer focus, that is understand customers and proactively meet their needs. Second, achieve operational effectiveness and improve overall cost position. Third, optimize existing technology portfolio and fill strategic gaps, including reservoir engineering capabilities and pressure pumping services. To meet this target, baker Hughes needs to carry out a major reorganization and targets more mergers an d acquisitions. (Baker Hughes 2010)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Dolce and Gabbana Perfume Advertisement Essay examples -- Papers

Dolce and Gabbana Perfume Advertisement I will be looking at the advert for the Dolce & Gabbana perfume. This particular advert is trying to persuade the audience to buy both the male and female version of the perfume. To analyse this advert I will be using the key concepts. The advert has 3 main colours in it. The first is a light brown colour that is the background to the advert and also the same colour as the skins of the models. This brown is a warm positive colour, which portrays a warm positive image to the perfume when you first set eyes on the image. The other two colours in the picture are black and white. The white is worn by the male and the black by the female. The white on the male model could connote purity and goodness, whereas the black on the female could connote an evil, mischievous side to her. The fact that they are both hugging passionately could connote to the audience that the D&G perfume brings the good and the mischievous together which will appeal to some readers. Black and white may also be used in this advert to provide a classy sophisticated look. The layout of the advert is very typical of a perfume advert in a magazine. The main body of the image is taken up by the 2 models entwined with only a small image of the actual perfumes at the bottom of the page. The reason for doing this is so that as the reader inspects the advert they will be drawn down the image and the final thing they will see and remember is the image of the perfumes with the brand name beneath it. This will then lock in the audiences memory rather than the actual larger images of the models themselves which are more there just... ...t that they should go buy it to aspire to be like the models featured in it. It is likely that this advert would be in a magazine aimed at this age group so the conditions they receive the advert should not affect its impact unless its put in a magazine or place which would receive the wrong audience who may be opposition or aberrant. In conclusion, the advert has a very sexy feel to it, which is created by the colours, mise en scene, and the characters involved. There is a definite target audience of younger adults, and the whole advert has a positive feel for the Dolce and Gabbana branding. The small amount of text produces more focus on the images which means the audience will connote its own meaning more than if they had to read reams of text. This should definitely help sell the product to its specific audience.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Free Tempest Essays: Treacheries and Rebellions :: Tempest essays

  Treacheries and Rebellions is The Tempest  Ã‚   The Tempest consists of â€Å"a series of rebellion, treacheries, mutinies and conspiracies against authority† but the overall view of the dramatic action is much more complex. Many other aspects and themes such as illusion and the supernatural (magic) also play a very important part in shaping the plot. Power struggle is evident from the beginning, way back when Prospero’s brother, Antonio, seized his status as Duke of Milan and banished him to a barren place and left for dead. â€Å"In scene 2.1, pg 141, Sebastian remarks, â€Å"I remember/You did supplant your brother Prospero.† And Antonio replies, â€Å"True;/ And look how well my garment sit upon me,†. Antonio betrayed Prospero, and yet he feels no remorse for his treacherous act: ‘I feel not/ This deity in my bosom†, his conscience is not bothered by what he did to Prospero. Another sibling conspiracy in the play came in Act II when Sebastian is encouraged by Antonio to kill his brother , Alonso, which would put him next in line for the throne but first, they attempted to kill Gonzalo, the Alonso’s faithful advisor. Scene 2.1, pg â€Å"Draw together,/and when I rear my hand do you the like/TO fall it (the sword) on Gonzalo.† Their evil plot is interrupted and plans ruined as Ariel wakes the sleeping party (Alonso and Gonzalo). But perhaps the most prominent resistance against authority comes from Caliban, the slave of Prospero who feels that the island is rightfully his, â€Å"The island’s mine by Sycorax my mother,†. He goes on to state that Prospero â€Å"tak’st from me.† In order to regain or gain his rulership, Caliban plots with Trinculo and Stephano to kill Prospero and take over the island. Act 3, scene I, pg 160 â€Å"Why, as I told thee, ‘tis a custom with him I’ th’ afternoon to sleep. There thou mayst brain him Having fisrt seized his books; or with a log Batter his skull, or paunch him with a stake Or cut his weasand with thy knife.†    An important factor in authority struggle is the illusion of authority, who is ultimately in charge? Illusion of authority becomes evident from the start when the boatswain speaks to the king in the storm; â€Å"What cares these roarers for the name of king?†¦if you can command there elements to silence, and work the peace of the present, we will not hand a rope more—use your authority.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Jill Paton Walsh’s novel Fireweed shows this when two adolescents Bill

Jill Paton Walsh’s novel Fireweed shows this when two adolescents Bill and Julie who know nothing about each other. They are then thrown into an increasingly complicated relationship which has its ups and downs. Fireweed London is a very complex place, especially when you are 15 and on your own in the blitz of 1940. Jill Paton Walsh’s novel â€Å"Fireweed† shows this when two adolescents â€Å"Bill and Julie† who know nothing about each other. They are then thrown into an increasingly complicated relationship which has its ups and downs. At the beginning of the novel their relationship was simply a business partnership, as Julie had money and Bill knew his way about London. When they found out about this they went out for a bite to eat. When Julie and Bill first met they were complete strangers to one another, but because they were on their own, in London during the war they decided that a friend would be a good idea. At the restaurant Bill and Julie learned more about each other. At this point I think in the novel Bill and Julie have no feelings for each other whatsoever, it’s simply just a business partnership. They are both lonely, she has money he doesn’t and he knows his way about London and she doesn’t. At this point in the novel Bill is trying to impress Julie as this is quite normal for an adolescent boy. The first real problem in the relationship occurs when Bill and Julie are at the park having a good time, until Bill spots his dad. This is a major turning point in their relationship as one little problem grows and becomes a crisis when Bill can’t decide if he wants to go get his father or stay with Julie, if he chooses to go see his dad, he will be sent to Wales and she will be sent to Canada ... ...lising he can’t find her he visits every hospital in London asking for a Julie and they all reply no. He then runs until he can run no more. When Bill eventually does get in to see Julie he can’t really talk to her as her Mum and brother are in the room, so he sticks to small talk. Julie’s Brother Robin butts in and says â€Å"look pal thanks for everything but if there is anything more than a friendship then beat it†. Bill is about to talk when Julie says â€Å"don’t be silly Robin of course there is nothing in it, nothing at all†. After this Bill fells the worst he has ever felt in his life and thinks that the only way out is death. Bill is so hurt by Julie’s comment that he wants to kill himself. Many years later after the war he looks back on his relationship with Julie and thinks to himself what if it was only a cover up and she did have feelings for him.

Sarnath Lion Capitol

Anna H. Asian Art History Maurya Dynasty: Sarnath Lion Capital Mauryan Empire of India lasted from 4th to 2nd century BCE. According to Coomaraswmy, an Indian historian, Mauryan art had three phases. The third phase was considered the beginning of brick and stone sculpture and architecture. The pillars of Asoka would consider such example, which are free standing carved animal capitals created in the time of Asoka empire. There are 20 known pillars that Asoka commissioned. These pillars are made out of shafts of sandstone and display Buddhist symbols. Asoka had a sculpture of four lions placed on top of one of his pillars, knows as Sarnath Lion Capital. These lions were portrayed as power and still remain a national symbol of India. The art elements portrayed in this sculpture define the meaning and characteristics that had important significance during Mauryan dynasty. The Sarnath Pillar’s composition has more abstract relation than schematic portrayal. The capital contains four lions, standing back to back, mounted on an abacus with a frieze carrying sculptures of an elephant, horse, bull, and a lion. In this way, four rivers of India is represented. The animals are separated by elapsing wheels, which symbolizes time. Because wheels are also mentioned in Buddhist religion, it can be explained as spiritual purpose as well. Since the sculpture has a schematic relation, it is hard to understand the main point at the first sight. The sculpture is volumetric with few high relieves. The animals and wheels can be considered as high relief where as the lion’s top portion would consider three dimensional. Overall sculpture itself is considered as free standing, since it can be iewed from all angles. The proportional relationship to the size of animals in reality is more abstract than realistic. The animals at the bottom portion of the sculpture, are much smaller than in real life. Although the lions can be considered realistic, despite the overlapping of one another. The adherence from reality suggests that the size of lions portrayed in large scale signifies power, besides of their nature meaning (powerful animal of animal kingdom). In this way it leads the viewer to concentrate more on lions than on other parts of the culpture. The lines of the sculpture let the eye to lead to the main ideas and it emphasizes more volume than lines. Some parts of the sculpture, such as water plant, and lion’s beard have curvilinear orientation where as the wheel is more rectilinear. The lines help to create more naturalistic details, which effects the sculpture to be more easily defined. The texture of the sculpture is smooth, more similar to copper made. This deviates from the real texture of the objects depicted, even though it gives the rich shiny feeling hich is more similar to lion’s natural color. Because the lack of color it give the sculpture more abstract than naturalistic look. The absence of the color gives more dull look and less definable. It also suggests that the painting techniques during Mauryan dynasty was not well developed and had limited us e of techniques. Asoka's pillars are some of India's earliest major stone sculptures. The Asoka's reign were highly religious. He was the first powerful monarch to practice Buddhism, therefore his sculptures were mainly on Buddhism and power.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Human Beings are More Alike than Different

â€Å"Human beings are more alike than different.† This is a statement that may be argued by many people. Personally I agree with this statement because even thought, all of us are unique individuals, but the purpose of our existence is the same.Humans are greedy, greed is a feeling where we want more than what most people have in the world. People are this way because of society and the world in general. People all want money, we cannot do much unless we have money.People choose to be greedy and keep money because they feel as if they earn it they have to keep it. Some people fake their divorce to get money from the government and even fake their income so they can get free medical care, food stamps.Humans are selfish, if there is one thing that we love the most in this world would be ourselves. We are no different from each other, we become selfish without seeing or knowing it because we always want to believe we're right at all costs. After we are born, we cry for our needs to be known, we cry to have attention.Slowly we learned to live with others and accommodate others but at times of crisis, our instincts tell us to save ourselves first. We judge and gossip others, even whole societies or whole other countries, on too little information or on media reports.Humans all want freedom, we all want freedom because everything we do has to do with freedom. Nothing could be done right without freedom, without freedom, we would be forced do to do things we do not want to do, and no way to change it at all. Consequently it is indeed that â€Å"human beings are more alike than different. †

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Report on Sir Isaac Newton Essay

Sir Isaac Newton was an English mathematician and physicist. He was considered one of the greatest scientists in history. Newton was also the culminating figure in the scientific revolution of the 17th century. Newton was best known for his discovery that the force called gravity affects all objects in space and on earth. .Isaac Newton was born on December 25, 1642, in the hamlet of Wollsthorpe, Lincolnshire (R.S.W. 17) His Father died only three months before he was born (Sir Isaac Newton 1). When he was three years old Isaac’s mother, Hanna, placed him with his grandmother so that she could remarry a man named Barnabas Smith, a wealthy man from North Witham (Dr. Robert A. Hatch 1). When his mother returned to Woolsthorpe in 1653, Newton was withdrawn from school to fulfill his birthright as a farmer. Newton failed at farming, and returned to King’s School at Grantham to prepare for entrance to Trinity College, Cambridge. A turning point in Newton’s life was when he left Woolsthorpe for Cambridge University in June of 1661 (Dr. Robert A. Hatch 1). Although Cambridge was a marvelous center of learning, the spirit of the scientific revolution had yet to enter its curriculum. In 1665 Isaac Newton took his bachelor’s degree at Cambridge without honors or distinction (Dr. Robert A. Hatch 2). In 1665 the university was closed because of the plague. At this time Newton returned to Woolsthorpe. There, in the following 18 months, he began revolutionary advances in mathematics, optics, physics, and astronomy (J. A. Schuster 1). During the plague years, Isaac Newton laid the foundation for elementary differential and integral Calculus. He invented the â€Å"method of fluxions† which was based on his crucial insight that finding the area under its curve is the inverse procedure to finding the slope of the curve at any point (J. A. Schuster 1). Also during the plague years he made remarkable discoveries in optics. He had reached the conclusion that white light is not a simple, homogeneous entity. He proved this by passing a thin beam of sunlight through a glass prism which created a spectrum of colors on the wall opposite. Isaac argued that white light is a mixture of many different types  of rays, that the different types of rays are refracted at slightly different angles, and that each type of ray is responsible for producing a given color (J. A. Schuster 2). Newton’s greatest work was in physics and celestial mechanics. In 1666, Newton had formulated early visions of his three laws of motion (J.A. Schuster 3). Also during these years he examined the elements of circular motion and, applying his analysis to the moon and the planets, found the inverse square relation that the radially directed force acting on a planet decreases with the square of its distance from the sun. This was later crucial to the law of universal gravitation (Sir Isaac Newton 3). When the University of Cambridge reopened after the plague in 1667, Newton put himself forward as a candidate for a fellowship (Sir Isaac Newton 3). He was elected to a minor fellowship at Trinity College but, after being awarded his Master’s Degree, he was elected to a senior fellowship in 1668. Before he had reached his 27th birthday, he succeeded Isaac Barrow as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics (Dr. Robert A. Hatch 2). In 1672, shortly after his election to the Royal Society, he communicated his first public paper, a controversial study on the nature of color (Sir Isaac Newton 4). The paper was generally well received but Hooke and Huygens objected to Newton’s attempt to prove, by experiment alone, that light consists of the motion of small particles rather than waves. Although his hypotheses was not convincing, his ideas about scientific method won universal assent along with his corpuscular theory. These reigned until the wave theory was revived in the early 19th century (Newton, Sir Isaac 2). Newton’s relations with Hooke soured. Newton withdrew from public discussion for about a decade. After 1675, he devoted himself to chemical and alchemical researches. He postponed the publication of a full account of his optical researches until after the death of Hooke in 1703. Newton’s Opticks appeared in 1704. Newton’s Opticks dealt with the theory of light and color and with Newton’s investigations of the colors of thin sheets. It also contained â€Å"Newton’s Rings† and the phenomenon of diffraction of light  (Newton, Sir Isaac 2). In 1689, Newton was elected to represent Cambridge in Parliament. During his stay in London he became acquainted with John Locke, the famous philosopher, and Nicolas Fatio de Duillier, a brilliant young mathematician who became a friend. In 1693, however, Newton suffered a severe nervous disorder (Dr. Robert A Hatch 4). There are many interpretations to the cause of this disorder. Some of these interpretations include overworked, the stress of controversy, and perhaps mercury poisoning the result of nearly three decades of alchemical research. After his recovery Newton sought a new position in London. In 1696 Newton was appointed Warden and then Master of the Mint (Dr. Robert A. Hatch 4). In 1703, Newton was elected president of the Royal Society and was annually reelected until his death (Dr. Robert A. Hatch 5). In 1705 Isaac Newton was knighted (Margret C. Jacob 390). His time as president has been described as cruel, and his control over the lives and careers of younger disciples was all but absolute. Newton could not stand for contradiction or controversy; his quarrels with Hooke provided a single example. Later disputes, as president of the Royal Society, Newton used all the forces he could muster. An example of this is when he published Flamsteed’s astronomical observations without the author’s permission. In the end, the actions of the Society were extensions of Newton’s will. Until his death Newton dominated the landscape of science without rival (Dr. Robert A. Hatch 5). Issac Newton died in London on March 20, 1727 (R.S.W. 20). In conclusion, Sir Issac Newton was one of the greatest scientists in history. Newton was also the culminating figure in the scientific revolution of the 17th century. Many of his theories have become foundations for many areas of science.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Psychology and Biology Essay

The essay will begin with an introduction to each approach, giving main assumptions and supporting evidence. Following this, the two theories will be compared and contrasted, looking at strengths and weaknesses. In conclusion there will be a short explanation of the main areas of similarity, and differences  Psychology and its many definitions has changed radically and frequently over time, as an independent area of study. There are many different theoretical views, some conflicting, regarding the most appropriate methods for investigating human nature. The approaches chosen to discuss in this essay are biology psychology and comparative psychology. Biopsychology is the scientific study of the biology of behaviour.Some refer to this field as psychobiology,behavioural biology,behavioural neuroscience.It is an integrative discipline. The study of the biology of behaviour has a long history,but biopsychology did not coalesce into a major neuroscientific discipline until this century.Biopsychologists draw together knowledge from the other neuroscientific disciplines and apply it to the study of behaviour. Biopsychologists are neuroscientists who brings to their research a knowledge of behaviour and the methods of behavioural research. They uses animals because their methods of study can not be used with humans. Comparative psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with the study of animal behaviour. Modern research on animal behaviour began with the work of Charles Darwin and Georges Romanes and has continued to grow into a multidisciplinary subject. Today, biologists, psychologists, anthropologists, ecologists, geneticists and many others contribute to the study of animal behaviour.Comparative psychologists compare the behaviour of different species and focus on the genetics,evolution and adaptivness of behaviour.Historically,comparative psychologists have focused on the experimental investigation of animal behaviour in controlled laboratory environments.Modern comparative psychology also encompasses the study of animal behaviour in its natural environment. For Biopsychology,biological bases have been found for a range of psychological disorders. Schizophrenics, for example, have been found to have different brain structures to other people, with smaller brains and higher-than-normal levels of dopamine.Looking at the chemical make-up of the brain has lead to the successful production of a range of drug treatments in recent decades that have helped in the treatment of a variety of issues, including Prozac (for depression), schizophrenia. However,The biological approach in psychology is highly reductionist in its approach to the complexity of human behavior and emotion. Reducing our feelings and reactions to robot-like behavior is not only unethical, it also ignores the factors in our every day environment – our childhood experiences and the influence and behavior of friends and media – that have been found to affect us.Many drug treatments have unwanted side-effects. Claims, for example, that Prozac can cause violent behavior after taking it, are not uncommon, so the claim that the biological approach can produce effective treatment.Drugs only treat the biologically-visible effects, not the causes of problems. Childhood experiences that cause trauma and depression during adulthood may be better treated by confronting our past than by using anti-depressants. Different with biopsychology,Comparative psychology often utilizes the comparative method to study animal behavior. The comparative method involves comparing the similarities and differences among species to gain and understanding of evolutionary relationships. The comparative method can also be used to compare modern species of animals to ancient species.  The study of animal behavior can lead to a deeper and broader understanding of human psychology. Research on animal behavior has led to numerous discoveries about human behavior, such as Ivan Pavlov’s research on classical conditioning or Harry Harlow’s work with rhesus monkeys. Students of biological sciences and social sciences can benefit from studying comparative psychology. The strengths of the comparative psychology is that it is easy to find out and analyse the statistics of human psychology and the results are always believable.In addition,it is also clear to show the relationships between different variable quantities.However,there is a weakness that it is hard to find out the conclusion of the cause and effect and the experiments are always inflexible.Also,most of the experiments require a lot of manpower and material resources.  If the approaches are compared in terms of the nature – nurture debate, common ground is found, both believe an individual’s personality develops as they grow, therefore, they are on the nurture side of the argument as opposed to nature, which suggests people are born with genetic dispositions and only possess innate, inherited personality. (Carlson 1990) In conclusion both have fundamental differences and share many attributes, comparative psychologists believe the unconscious has no bearing on behaviour, opposed to biology psychologists’ belief that unconscious drives are the reason we behave as we do, one is scientific, the other isn’t and they both use very different therapies to treat patients. The similarities between the approaches begin as far back as evolution and Darwin’s theory, they share determinism and both fall into the nurture side of the great debate.  However, it is fair to say, that even with their many differences and similarities, these approaches have made the biggest contribution to this ‘science of the mind’ and made history with different therapeutic techniques. Reference lists Simmon Green(1994) Principles of Biopsychology. Lawrence erlbaum associates ltd.  John P.J Pinel(1999) Biopsychology . A Pearson Education Company.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Social implication of medical issues; case scenario millers family Essay

Social implication of medical issues; case scenario millers family - Essay Example In our case, Lucy who is a collage student turned to drugs a way to cope with the family environment. In her family tree, most of the elders have suffered a chronic disease. The fear of knowing whether she is next or not has led her to turn to drugs as a means of escape. On top of that, she has been diagnosed with the bi polar disorder. This means that the condition that the family environment is in is pushing her emotions and mental capabilities to being a drug addict with a condition. Her parents and grand parents have been suffering from conditions that push her mentally. Many believe that these conditions are hereditary and might affect them in the near future. In the past, persons with the bipolar issue may have been called essentially irritable or even crazy on occasion. Later, the finding was called manic-despondency. While this term is still occasionally utilized, the, for the most part, acknowledged term is "bipolar dissection". The pair real periods of bipolar protest are l unacy and sadness. There are different features of the sickness, yet they are all parts of the two. About 1 percent of the masses might be seen to have bipolar conditionÃ'ŽCraziness could be further separated into two classifications: hypomania and out and out lunacy. Hypomania is basically a state of extraordinary vitality and frequently high gainfulness. The individuals who never surpass this point in bipolar protestation could be incredible sales representatives or high-controlled men good to go.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Tourism Influences and Impacts Case Study - Malaysia Assignment

Tourism Influences and Impacts Case Study - Malaysia - Assignment Example As the tourism industry of Malaysia is the earner of huge foreign exchange, this has helped to contribute to the economic growth and development of the country and attract more foreign investments. As a result, the opportunities for jobs have also increased. Apart from promoting the domestic tourism, the government of Malaysia is highly focused on strengthening the position of the country as a leading tourist destination of the world. In order to support the growth of the tourism sector of Malaysia, many investors, business owners and entrepreneurs are identified to make huge investment in different areas for the development of the tourism sector as a whole. The Ministry of tourism is responsible for developing the tourism industry of Malaysia. Whereas, Malaysia Tourism Centre, Virtual Malaysia and Tourism Malaysia are responsible in promoting the diversification of the services of Malaysia’s tourism both nationally and internationally. The increase in the tourism activities i n Malaysia has resulted in the growth of various sectors like hotel industry, restaurants, transportation and retail business. The tourism industry in Malaysia is playing a major role in the growth and development of Malaysia (Scribd Inc, 2014; The Establishment Post, 2014;, 2014; Othman & et. al., 2012; Tourism Malaysia, 2008). The tourism industry is a major contributor to the Malaysian economy and thus, helps in the economic growth and development of Malaysia. Huge amount of foreign exchange is earned by the tourism industry, which has created new investment opportunities in the country as well as in generating more employment opportunities. A campaigning strategy was adopted by the Malaysia tourism board named as, ‘Malaysia Truly Asia’ in the year 1991. As a result of this campaigning, about eight million tourists visited Malaysia from various parts of the world and the revenue from this was nearly RM 12.3

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Function of filter circuit Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Function of filter circuit - Coursework Example It is less in voltage than the series circuit because its output voltage is the same as the input voltage. This circuit therefore, does not operate as a filter to the input signal except when supplied by the current source.The ideal op-amp amplifies all signals from Direct Current to the greatest Alternating Current frequenciesOpen-Loop Gain is infinite in ideal Op-amp amplifier. In real Op-Amp, the open loop gain is finite, ranging between 20000 and 200000.Ideal op-amp generates zero noise voltage from the internal parts.Real op-amp has several sources of noise, including semiconductor noise and resistive noise.Ideal op-amp operates as a perfect source of internal voltage without any internal resistance. Real op-amps have output-impedance ranging between 100 - 20â„ ¦.This diagram represents the relationship between the capacitor and a resistor in the circuit, if they are arranged in series. The circuit assists in measuring the voltage across the capacitor, using Kirchhoff's law o f the current. In this, the current that charges the capacitor has to be equal to the current passing through the resistor.A filter circuit server the purpose of producing restrictions on the bandwidth of frequencies for an alternating input signal and generate output with a narrower frequency- bandwidth. It also eliminates the alternating current ripple remaining in the output of the rectification of a diode-based alternating current circuit, leading to higher quality signal.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The AIDS Support Organisation (TASO) of Uganda Essay

The AIDS Support Organisation (TASO) of Uganda - Essay Example However, in 2006, the expectancy had risen to 48 years for males and 51 years for female. It was estimated that, the leading cause of death of all ages was HIV/AIDS accounting for 9.4% and malaria following accounting for 4.1%. In his bid, to realize these objectives, Museveni and his government established a good relationship with the donor community. The international monetary fund (IMF), World Bank, and other donor governments were in support of the Ugandan effort to reduce poverty (United Nations 2004). Museveni’s government managed to put an end to institutionalized human rights abuses and liberalized the economy to higher standards that there were in the previous regimes. In fact, upon independence the Ugandan government witnessed infrastructure decay with healthcare delivery largely dependent on humanitarian aid. After taking over power, President Museveni strategically decentralized health system with much of health care leadership being given to provincial authorities (Barnett and Blaikie 1992). The new strategic health plan included village health provision. In addition, provision of health services was a joint responsibility between government, private non-profit organisations, and private profit organizations (Engelberg 2001). Government efforts in the fight against HIV/AIDS Alongside these achievements by the Museveni’s government, some improvements have been witnessed in terms of the fight against AIDS (Hope 1999). The first incidences of AIDS death were reported in 1982. It is noted that HIV spread quickly along major highways with Ugandan armed forces and rebel groups facilitating its transmission (Ntozi et al 1997). In 1986, President Museveni introduced a proactive prevention campaign that emphasized AIDS was a patriotic duty that required openness, and strong leadership at all levels. The formation of national control program for AIDS (NCPA) included representatives from nongovernmental organizations, academics, and faith based organizations. Its mission was to create HIV/AIDS control plan that included policy guidelines, campaign for safe sexual behavior, and care and treatment programs (Hope 1999). However, after some time, the NCPA was dissolved and replaced with the national AIDS control program (ACP). In addition, the ministry of health established a national HIV/AIDS surveillance system. Nevertheless, the HIV prevalence rose in early 1990s, with as high as 25% rates being witnessed in urban areas (United Nations 2004). In 1992, national prevalence was estimated to be 18.3%. In 2003, a total of 530,000 people were infected with HIV/AIDS. A total of 78,000 had died from AIDS related illnesses. However, the government through the ministry of health instilled measures to improve the situation and by 2005, 90% of people aged 15-49 had heard of AIDS and could identify several ways of preventing HIV transmission. However, during the same year, only 13% of adults had tested for HIV with 70% of the estimate 1 million people infected remained untested. In 2006, the WHO reported that over 1 million Ugandans were living with HIV. Prevalence was reported to be higher in urban areas mostly in young women,

Monday, September 9, 2019

Lack of Water in Zambia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Lack of Water in Zambia - Essay Example Further, most of the activities that man has undertaken require water to the extent that water may form a part of the energy production through electricity. However, the wider concept remains on whether a majority of the world population has access to clean water rather than water for any other designated purpose. On the contrary, economic analysts have foreseen water becoming the next sought after commodity after oil due to scarcity especially in arid areas of the world. Essentially, an arid land region is one characterized by intense water shortages that tend to facilitate slow development and nurturing of plant cover or animal life. Tentatively, they are mostly desert areas that surround the equator and commonly present in Africa. Subsequently, the purpose of this report will delve on the assessment of practical techniques for providing clean water to arid regions like Zambia. 2. Current situation in Zambia By 2010, a shocking 61% of the Zambian population had privileged access to improved water supply sources while 48% of the same population had access to sanitary options. Further, the challenges in water supply and access tended to vary depending on whether the population was in an urban setting or whether in rural places (Mc Intyre, 2012: 90). For instance, a UN survey indicated that at least 87% of the urban settler had access to water while only 48% of those residing in rural settings had access to the same. Additionally, access to water in the Zambian urban population indicates that 41% had running water or house connection while a significant 49% accessed water through water kiosks or vendors. Over time, the number of those accessing water through water kiosks has been on a steady increase trend while that of those enjoying house connections has been plummeting. However, the Zambian council for water and sanitation insist that the country has achieved water provision as a millennium development focus, but sanitation has proved elusive (Mutale, 2004). As many would say, lack of clean drinking water presents a number of significant implications that are mostly social especially for women and girls, a situation that is no different in Zambia. In turn, this raises the poverty levels within Zambia. 3. Consequences of water shortages in Zambia Annual precipitation levels in Zambia The graph above show the effect of percentage of class attendance throughout the year due to water shortage Arguably, the declining rainfall in the Zambian republic forms the basic reason as to why the country has continued to experience water scarcity. Two organization echo this sentiment, which are the System Network for Famine Early Warning and the world bank where they insist that the trend is worrying. Moreover, Zambia is a nation that has no access to the sea hence rendering this state as a landlocked country in the South African region. These two factors have facilitated the nation to have food insecurity as their government may not assure the over th irteen million Zambians with adequate food. According to water aid organization present in Zambia, for every three people, two have no access to clean water nor sanitation facilities. In turn, this has influenced the mortality rates for children within this country to be at an alarming ten thousand children annually. Ideally, the children tend to suffer from diarrhea and other sanitation related diseases like cholera, bilharzia among many others (Waters, 2008). These diseases tend to be water borne and treatable but access to quality health care facilitates an increase in the mortality rates. Sequentially, children and infants become prime victims of these